Sharing IL strategy Hackney Community College
College Background and service structure Key contextual issues affecting IL IL- strategy aim Example- Tracking one objective Why I think a written strategy is important
This General FE college yr 4000 adults, 1000 work place learners Vocational, SEN, ESOL and A levels. Only 4 HE subjects. Learner profile- diverse, aspirational, challenged by life 1 main site and LRC Cuts, restructure and role change
Re-structure for 12/13 ?
What is RBL? Facilitators - not librarians 55 groups in 14/15 mainly L2/3
Current Context Reductions continue Ofsted and PIAP- teaching quality focus English and Maths Increasing interest in academic standards Development of RBL
Study Skills- Locations of Learning Study skillsHow IL is included 1 Embedded in teaching SOW and LPs see posters “ Summarising” and “Writing process” 2 RBL sessions, with facilitator Activities in support of course work. Librarians provide support guides. Liaison and discussion 3 Dedicated study skills session CM RBL booked to teach- session on referencing inc 4 Information literacy sessions Librarian teaches IL to a specific assignment L3 + – might be booked for RBL time 5 LRC + self study LRC staff support individuals in the LRC or IT area. 6 Study skills centre LSAs provide support to individuals and small groups. ( not in RBL dept) 7 Ambition programme Targeted mentoring/ coaching for identified learners. ( not in RBL dept)
Strategy aim To seek to ensure that college learners, at any level, develop the required information retrieval and handling skills they need for success in education, work and life. Objectives To support and promote IL within curriculum delivery and teaching practice To identify and use a range of intervention points that occur in the Learner Journey To develop quality assurance procedures related to IL that demonstrate impact wherever possible
Service IL objectives 14/15 1. Embed IL into RBL support 2. Promote IL in main subject teaching 3. Consider role of help desk
Promote IL in main subject teaching Teaching toolkit IL section Teaching resources VLE Turnitin Academic standards Embed English Embed IL “Summarising” poster IL poster Teaching and learning day- marketing
What is the impact? Positive feedback from Curriculum managers Recognition of skill set by teachers Greater visibility of IL in documentation Hard evidence? tbc RBL and IL and success rates Learner and staff surveys- RBL and IL
Writing it down- creating a path Rationale, analysis, reflection tool Understand environment Identify roles and delivery Quality? SAR, Impact, cost and value Continuity- make the work visible
Common Core A response to a learning environment Priorities for development Target groups and why What is not being covered?