Happy 35 th Birthday Jump Rope For Heart!!!
When you register, send s and get at least 1 donation, you will get a “NINJA Duck”
Make a Jump Rope For Heart Web Page and YOU will have super powers to raise more life-saving donations! To get started - you will need to Sign Up and Join your School Team. Here’s how… 1 : Go to 2 : Enter the 1 st 3 letters of your school’s name and click “ENTER” 3 : Scroll down the list until you find your school and click on “JOIN TEAM”
You are almost done Fast, easy to use, easy to get donations! Create your own USERNAME and PASSWORD and then click “CONTINUE” Fill in the remaining information & have your parents check the Online Waiver box. click “CONTINUE”
Once you have logged in and JOINED your school TEAM then you will be able to make your own AVATAR!!!! Once you have logged in and JOINED your school TEAM then you will be able to make your own AVATAR!!!!
There’s an app for that! Download the Jump/Hoops app for your iPhone or iPad! You can: Register Login in Track your fundraising Ask for donations Send reminders Make a personal donation
Have FUN making your own WEBPAGE and sending s to your family & friends. Congratulations! Now get one online donation and earn a NINJA DUCK!!!
When you raise money online for the Ninja & Mr. Cool, you will receive a coupon to print out and turn in. WOW…when you raise $75 Online, then you will receive Mr. Cool!!!
Raise $5 in donations and you get the QUACKY COMBO!!!
Raise $15 in donations and get your very own Jump Rope!
Raise $35 and you get … STRIPES! STRIPES!
Raise $50 in donations and get a JRFH T-Shirt !
Look COOL when YOU PLAY!!! Raise $75 in donations and get a Cool Playground Ball!
Raise $100 or more and get your very own…GLOW the HEART SUPER HERO!
Raise $150 in donations and receive a Max Boom Duck Launcher !!
Raise $200 in donations and receive a DOUBLER… Torch & a Trophy
Raise $250 in donations and receive a Cool, Comfy Headphone!! !
Raise $500 in donations and get your very own Walkie Talkies!!!
Raise $1000 in donations and receive a Powerwing!
Earn Lifesaver Ducks…start by raising a $5 donation and turning in your Lifesaver Duck Coupon!
Heart Survivors !