Jenny Lu 盧貞穎 Effective English Teaching Strategies.


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Presentation transcript:

Jenny Lu 盧貞穎 Effective English Teaching Strategies


簡單定義 應用適切教學策略,達成預期教學目標。 何謂有「效」? 效能( effectiveness ):教學目標之達成 效率( efficiency ):教學條件與資源的規劃和 運用,快速達成目標。 有效教學定義


7. 表現具體學習成果 7. 表現具體學習成果 1. 營造班級溫馨氣氛 2. 布置鼓舞動機環境 3. 善用 e 化科技媒材 4. 適切多元教學方法 5. 提供學生體驗機會 5. 提供學生體驗機會 6. 啟發自主學習策略 6. 啟發自主學習策略 8. 領域特定教學策略 8. 領域特定教學策略

Features Be aware of the teaching cycle/structure Keep students busy Adopt a lot of hands on activities Provide enough input and practice with pair work and group work Assess students’ learning achievement

Learning Contents and Language Skills Learning components: --- alphabet --- vocabulary --- pattern --- chant and song --- dialogue and story Language skills: --- listening, speaking, reading, writing

Teaching vs. Learning Teaching procedure Presentation Practice Production Learning procedure Meet the language Manipulate the language Make the language their own

Typical Teaching Cycle Warm-up Review Presentation Practice Production Wrap-up Evaluation

Lesson Plan by________________

1. Letter Names & Letter Forms -- Alphabet recognition 2. Letter Sounds --  Phonemic awareness --  Pre-phonics 3. Meaningful Association --  Word recognition Letter Instructions

 Focus on pronunciation /i/: b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z /  /: f, l, m, n, s, x /e/: a, h, j, k /ai/: i, y /u/: q, u, w o and r

Confusable Letter Pairs b, d, looking at me p, q, point to my shoes

Reinforcing Activities -----Letter Card Activities:  Listening:  Point to (all letters on the desk)  Speaking:  Speed Reading (Time keeping)

 Reading:  Ordering Game (time keeping)  Pair up (time keeping)  Memory Game (time keeping)  Writing:  Format (notebook & lines)  頂天立地  Say and Write (Time keeping---practice in class )

Introductions of letter sounds  Cat & Dog  Avoid too much information and confusion: * a, a, a, / æ /, / æ /, / æ /. A, a, apple.  a, / æ /, apple.  letter name alone then letter sound  Focus on pronunciation a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Teaching Vocabulary meaning phonics form sound

Reinforcing Activities Vocabulary 1. Listening:  Point to (using cards)  Listen and Do 2. Speaking:  Speed Reading (group work)

3. Reading:  Ordering Game (student cards)  Pair up (using cards, time keeping)  Memory Game (using cards)

4. Writing and spelling instruction  Sound Structure Analysis --- Counting syllables (segmentation) --- Phonics (letter-sound correspondence) monosyllabic words and multi-syllabic words  Say and Write (letter-sound correspondence in Reading & Writing)

Teaching Vocabulary Monosyllabic words

Teaching Vocabulary Multisyllabic words

Pattern Instructions Meaning Grammar point Application Communication

Reinforcing Activities Pattern MGroup work and pair work echanical drills Meaningful practice Communicative activities

Phonics Instructions 1. Constant Continuous Instruction

2. SEE, HEAR, SAY and WRITE the words --- Multi-sensory instruction Finger-pointing reading Letter- sound correspondence in reading and writing --- say and write Reinforcing Activities Phonics

3. Blending a, t  at h, -at  hat bas, -ket  basket basket, -ball  basketball

Effective Phonics Instruction 4. Segmentation Onset and rime: c/at, n/ice Syllable segmentation: to-day; mon-key Spelling patterns: -ight  fight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight Compound word: book/store, free/way, sea/food, side/walk school/bag, bed/time, door/bell, ….

Example 1 1.b ag bag bag 2.c at cat cat 3.P at P at P at 4.ra bbit rabbit rabbit 5.s ad sad sad 6.She is Pat. 7.She has a cat. a bag She is Pat. She has a cat. cat P at rabbit sad

Example 2 ave brave brave 2.D ave Dave Dave 3.c ake cake cake 4.n ame name name 5.r ace race race 6.This is Dave. 7.He is brave. a_e brave This is Dave. He is brave. Dave cake name race

5. Induction: father, mother, brother  ther Deduction: ar  car, card, park, smart 6. Sound deletion / Sound addition

Chants and Songs Instructions Listen for information Give cue questions before listening. One at a time. Check understanding Practice 1. Teacher vs. Students/ Q & A 2. Pointing and chant /sing Production

Reinforcing Activities Chants and Songs What ’ s the Matter?  LET ’ S CHANT LET ’ S SING 2 What ’ s the Matter? What ’ s the Matter? I am sick. What ’ s the Matter? Are you OK? I am sick today. Oh, no! What ’ s the Matter? I am very very sick today. Oh, no! I am very very very very sick today. That ’ s too bad!

Listen and Check Hungry Boy Chant  LET ’ S CHANT LET ’ S SING 2 What does he want? Listen carefully. He wants an egg, two bananas, three hot dogs, four hamburgers, five cookies, six sandwiches. * He is a hungry boy. ** He is a very hungry boy. ** He is a hungry boy. ** He is a very hungry boy. **

Dialogue / Story Instructions Listen for information Give cue questions. One at a time. Check understanding Listen and answer Echo reading Point and read

Instruction of Role Play Find out the characters Number the characters Grouping students according to the number of the characters Practice 1: same characters in a group Practice 2: different characters in a group Show time