Model a………………. W Coping saw Model a………………. M, P, W Junior hack saw Model a……………… W Tenon saw Model a………………. W, P, M File Model a………………. M, P, W Hack saw Model a………………. W Sand paper
Model a………………. W, M Chisel Model a………………. W, M, P Metal ruler Model a………………. W Claw hammer Model a………………. Electronics metal Soldering iron Model a………………. W Pin hammer Model a………………. W Glue gun
Model a………………. All Metal vice Model a………………. W,M,P (depending on drill bit) Pillar drill Model a………………. All (depending on materials it is made of) Drill pieces Model a………………. W,M Band saw Model a………………. W Scroll saw (the brand we use is a Hegner) Model a………………. P Vacuum former
Model a………………. 3D printer Model a………………. W,P Disk sander Model a………………. M, W, P Laser cutter Model a………………. W Belt sander Model a………………. W,M,P Calipers Model a………………. W Pincer
Model a………………. Centre punch Model a………………. W Nails Model a………………. M Scriber Model a………………. W PVA glue Model a………………. W Screws Model a………………. W,M Jig saw
Model a………………. W,M (depending of drill bit) Cordless drill Model a………………. Craft knife Model a………………. W, M Breast/ hand drill Model a………………. Tape measure Model a………………. Sanding block Model a………………. M, P, W Epoxy Resin
Model a………………. W (metal workers use one with a metal handle called and engineers square) Tri Square Model a………………. G Cramp Model a………………. Pencil Model a………………. Sash Clamp Model a………………. W,M Marking Gauge Model a………………. W Plane