STD Science fair scabies Emily and Patri Sociology, Pd. 1
Cause of the disease The cause of this disease is a parasite. The parasite is called Sarcoptes scabiei, which is a small mite that burrows into the skin and lives off it’s human host. This mite cannot live for more than 24 hours without it’s human host or it will die.
Statistics related to disease There are approximately 100 million people affected by this disease right now (globally.)1 million new cases in America every year There are approximately 300 million new cases every year.
How disease is spread This disease is spread by prolonged physical contact, or being in close proximity for a long period of time with someone who is infected with the disease. It can be spread relatively easily, so if one person living in a house has scabies, it can be easily passed on to other members of the family. It can be contracted through sexual intercourse, although it can also be contracted a number of other ways as well, such as hugging or sharing bath towels, bedding, or clothes. Sexual contact is the most common form of transmission of this disease among sexually active young adults.
Who is at risk This disease is equally common in both genders. It is, however, one of the 3 most common skin diseases among children. This disease thrives most in crowded areas, such as small villages or even a homeless shelter. All it takes is one infected person in these small, crowded areas to infect everyone else in the space. It is most commonly associated with poverty ridden places. Scabies is less common in elderly people.
The symptoms The symptoms are the same for both genders. It begins with 4 or more closely placed mosquito-like bites in a row. These bites are found more in crevice-like areas of the body, including finger webs, bottoms of feet, the inside of the wrist, elbows, back, butt, and external genitals. They are not often found on the face or scalp area. There is typically 4-6 weeks between the initial infestation and the itching sensation, although there can be more, even up to several years. This is an extreme form of an itch, becoming almost unbearable typically during the night.
The consequences Since scabies causes an intense itching sensation, it can lead to the skin being scratched too often or too rough. The skin may break which can lead to secondary bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus aureus. Also, scabies is often misdiagnosed, since it may look like small pimples or mosquito bites, or even bedbug bites. This can prolong treatment, or even the disease being diagnosed correctly in the first place.
Current treatments The current treatments for scabies are very effective. The top used medication for scabies patients is permethrin, which is a cream that is applied over the infected area. Another less common treatment option is ivermectin, which is a pill taken to treat the infection; this is less widely used because it has not been tested on any child under the age of 6. One common side effect of permethrin is that is may temporarily worsen the itching of scabies, accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation.
Relationship to other stds While it has no other real relationship to any other STD, it is commonly known as a much more severe cousin of lice, and has even been linked to ancient cases of leprosy.
pictures Where scabies can be found Crusted scabies
Extra information Anne Frank was infected with scabies during her time at Auschwitz. Crusted Scabies is a much more severe form of this disease, which people with weakened body systems due to other diseases they may already have are at a much higher risk for (picture on previous slide.)