GL TRADE Internal Use Only GL Stream Server Module Notification Sequence Diagram December 12th, 2007
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 2 GLStream Module Notification Sequence Diagram ModuleServer / Satellite constructor() hasBeenLoaded() hasBeenRegistered() Module Instantiation Module Configuration All queues and stubs should have been created Module configuration file is available Queues and stubs can be created Module Initialisation Queues can be opened Module should get ready to be connected hasBeenConnected() Module Launch Module is connected to the master GLStream Server All local queues and stubs have been properly registered Recovery should be launched if needed willShutdown() false willShutdown() false willShutdown() true willTerminate() Module Shutdown Module Termination Messages can still be posted to queues Module should tell when it is ready to be stopped Messages cannot be posted destructor() Module should get ready to be destroyed Module Destruction Loading All available modules libraries are loaded All module objects are instantiated Configuration All modules are configured If one of them fails, the host stops Queues and stubs are locally registered Initialisation All modules are initialised If one of them fails, the host stops All modules are notified of the connection Connection The satellite connects to the server Launch Running The GLStream Server / Satellite is running Shutdown All modules are asked to stop Until all modules are ok to stop Or until a timeout expires Termination All modules are notified of the termination Destruction All modules are destroyed If one of them fails, the host stops Timers are stopped The server becomes master
GL TRADE Internal Use Only GL Stream Server Backup Network Architecture February 22nd, 2007
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 4 MASTER SERVER SLAVE SATELLITE #1 SLAVE SERVER MODULE A MODULE C Master GLStream SystemSlave GLStream System When the Slave Satellite #1 connects to the Slave Server, it sends the list of its modules. In its turn, the Slave Server sends to Master Server the physical locations of all of the slave modules. MODULE B MODULE D MODULE A MASTER SATELLITE #2 MODULE C MODULE D MASTER SATELLITE #1 MODULE B VIEW The Master Server then creates a view with all the slave module locations. The View is replicated on all hosts of the Master system. With the view, Master Modules can then find out the physical location of their peer in the Slave system. Backup Architecture
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 5 MASTER SERVER SLAVE SATELLITE #1 SLAVE SERVER MODULE A MODULE C Master GLStream SystemSlave GLStream System Module D opens a file to be backed up. By using the view, the Master Satellite #2 then finds out that the slave module D is on Slave Satellite #1. MODULE B MODULE D MODULE A MASTER SATELLITE #2 MODULE C MODULE D MASTER SATELLITE #1 MODULE B VIEW Over that connection, the Master Satellite #2 requests the Slave Satellite #1 to open the backup file. File Backup Network Architecture The Master Satellite #2 then opens a direct TCP connection to the Slave Satellite #1. The image of the master file is then replicated on the Slave Satellite #1. Any update on the master file is sent to the Slave Satellite which applies them on the slave file.
GL TRADE Internal Use Only GL Stream Server Backup Network Sequence Diagram February 23rd, 2007
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 7 Slave Host File Backup Network Sequence Diagram Master Host Open Backup File Rename Backup File Create New Backup File Unsynchronize File Open Successful Read Page #1 Page #1 Read Page #2 Page #2 Write Page #1 Page #1 Successful Read Page #3 Page #3 Write Page #2 Write Page #3 Page #2 Successful Read Page #4 Page #4 (last page) Page #3 Successful Write Page #4 Synchronize File Page #4 Successful Data Update Open OPENING SYNCHRONIZING UPDATING
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 8 open() File Backup Logical Sequence Diagram - Opening getSlaveHostId() STCDatabaseFileSTCHost send(OPEN BACKUP) createChannel() new() configure() launch() connection openBackup() slaveSucceeded() OPEN BACKUP SUCCESS OPEN openBackup() send(SUCCESS OPEN) MASTER HOST Entering into the Synchronization Procedure STCNetSTCNetChannel STCDatabaseFileSTCHost SLAVE HOST Main Application Thread Socket Reading Thread Socket Writing Thread
GL TRADE Internal Use Only 9 File Backup Logical Sequence Diagram - Synchronizing STCDatabaseFileSTCNetChannel STCHost SUCCESS OPEN slaveSucceeded() send(PAGE #1) send(PAGE #2) PAGE #1 process(PAGE #1) writeData() send(SUCCESS PAGE #1) SUCCESS PAGE #1 STCDatabaseFile PAGE #2 process(PAGE #2) writeData() send(SUCCESS PAGE #2) slaveSucceeded() send(PAGE #3) SUCCESS PAGE #2 slaveSucceeded() send(LAST PAGE #4) PAGE #3 process(PAGE #3) writeData() send(SUCCESS PAGE #3) SUCCESS PAGE #3 slaveSucceeded() LAST PAGE #4 process(LAST PAGE #4) writeData() send(SUCCESS PAGE #4) setSynchronized() SUCCESS PAGE #4 slaveSucceeded() MASTER HOST SLAVE HOST