Template for the Storyboard stage 1
Mention what will be your animation medium: 2D or 3D Mention the software to be used for animation development: JAVA, Flash, Blender, Shikav, Maya..etc Animation Medium : 2D Software : JAVA 4
Definitions of the keywords used in the animation 6 2 R Manipulator: It is 2 DOF planar manipulator with revolute pairs DOF (Degree of Freedom) : The number of independent movements that an object can perform in 3-D Space R ( Revolute Pair) : Shown below ( DOF = 1) Revolute Joint ( assemble view) Revolute Joint ( disassemble view)
2R manipulator is shown below L1 & L2 : Lengths of Link 1 & Link 2 respectively A : End Effector ( Consider it as end point) R : Revolute Pairs ( or joints) J1 & J2 : Joints L1 L2 R R A J1 J2 7 Manipulator Link 1 Link 2 The Workspace of 2DOF planar manipulator X Y Radius |L1-L2| Radius L1+L2
Work Space : Shown in last slide. - It represents the portion of space around the base of manipulator that can be accessed by the arm endpoint. - The shape and size of the workspace depends on the arm configuration, structure, degrees of freedom, size of links, and design of joints - Here consider only plane portion ( i.e. 2D) - It depends upon joints and Link Lengths. - Last Slide >> work space => - Outer circle radius = L1 + L2 - Inner circle radius = L1 – L2 - Joint 1 (J1) = revolute type - Joint 2 (J2) = revolute type ( Above values will be user defined to work in required work space) If we change L1 &/or L2, we can get different work spaces 8
Describe the concept chosen and clearly illustrate how you want to explain the concept in the animation. 2 R manipulator can have an interactive animation: - >> For example the end point of the manipulator can be moved by cursor and the link would position themselves in various ways to satisfy the end point constraint. 9
Let us consider 2R manipulator 10 A Manipulator Here End Point ‘A’ is required to be moved by cursor. Initially on desktop there will be a manipulator (like slide 7). As shown below, we (user) should be able to select point ‘A’ representing end point. When user move this point to required positions like 1 & 2 within workspace automatically respective links 1 & 2 will take required positions as shown in below figure. Workspace can also vary by changing L1 & L2 ( explained in slide 8) 1 2 α β
List out user interactions that will be there to enhance the understanding of the concept in the animation. 11 User can able to change workspace by changing respective values. By simply moving cursor, user can select an end point. User should able to move manipulator by selecting end point within workspace. User should able to check angles of links with respect x-y coordinate.
A small questionnaire with answers based on the concept. 12 After going thru this animation, the viewer should be able to answer simple questions like: 1) What is DOF? A) Slide 6 2) Concept of workspace? A) Slide 7 & 8
Links for further reading/references 13 - link : - NPTEL courses>>Mechanical Engg.>> Robotics(web)>>Introduction
Further User Specification Audio support required. 2. Colour changes to be shown. 3. Clear Demonstration 4. Theory will come in the left panel of the animation or in response to pressing a 'Theory' button. 5. Keywords should come in 'Glossary' section. 6. 'Help' button should give stepwise instruction of how to operate the animation. (User Friendly Desktop)