Cluster Sampling Multi-Stage Sampling Snowball Sampling
Population Clusters Type of Sampling Technique: Probability Sampling Technique Into
ANIMATION See the Following Animation and Guess the Steps to be followed while using Cluster Sampling Technique
Maharashtra as state is divided in cluster
Districts Chosen: Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur, Wardha, Solapur and Sangli
AdvantagesLimitation Data from Large Sample Spread across location Cost-Effectiveness Generalizability Constraints Availability of Information
Quota Sampling Simple Random Sampling Cluster Sampling Stratified Sampling Systematic Sampling Connivance Sampling Multi Stage Sampling
Type of Sampling Technique: Probability Sampling Technique Combination of Several Sampling Technique
ANIMATION See the Following Animation and Guess the Steps to be followed while using Muli-Stage Technique
Required Sample R Current Stage of research/ Researcher
Element 2 Element 3 R Element 1
R S1 S2 S3 S1: Stage 1 S2: Stage 2 S3: Stage 3 Task: Arrange Elements to Reach Required Sample
R S1 S2 S3 S1: Stage 1 S2: Stage 2 S3: Stage 3 Task: Technique you will Follow to Sample Elements t1: S. Technique 1 t2: S. Technique 1 t3: S. Technique 1 t3 t2 t3
R S1 S2 S3 S1: Stage 1 S2: Stage 2 S3: Stage 3 Task: Technique you will Follow to Sample Elements t1: S. Technique 1 t2: S. Technique 1 t3: S. Technique 1 t3 t2 t3
Standards School Stages to Get Data From 4 th to 6 th Standard Students Quota Sampling Purposive Simple Random Students
Stage 1 Divide Population into Several Clusters– Cluster Sampling Technique
Stage 2 Randomly Choose Samples from Each Cluster– Simple Random Sampling
AdvantagesLimitation Efficient Flexible Convenient Time Consuming
The team of the Educational Journal wants to study the extent to which the professors in the country use Internet and Communication Technology in their colleges. The authorities have limited resources. Hence they want sample. They want to make sure that all the parts of the country are represented well in the sample. The Journal team has requested the department to give them a detailed explanation of the sampling methods which they can use to do their research flawlessly.
AIM: To Study Extent to which Professors use Internet and Communication Technology TARGET POPULATION: Professors in college across the country SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: (Multi Stage Sampling Technique) TOOL: (Online Survey)
Introduction Introduction Steps Steps Purpose/Context Purpose/Context Examples Examples Advantages Advantages Limitations Limitations
Snowball Passing the Bucket Playing Tag/ Saakli Metaphoric Terms
Type of Sampling: Non-Probability Sampling Type of Sampling: Non-Probability Sampling WHY IS IT CALLED SNOWBALLING?
ANIMATION See the Following Animation and Guess the Steps to be followed while using Snowball Technique
STEP 1: Develop list of criteria and characteristics of sample from whom data needs to be collected. Researcher List of Criteria and Characteristics of Sample Amount of Data Collected
STEP 2: Find one or two sample fitting the criteria for sampling from population available for providing required data
STEP 3: Once data is collected, request the sample for reference of more samples similar to them, from whom data can be collected.
STEP 4: Contact the referred sample and collect data from them, once data is collected ask for more references of sample.
And In this Way, Researcher Keeps Collecting Data, till they reach amount of Required Data (Sample Size)
Lack of Time Lack of Time Availability of Reference Availability of Reference Interconnection Among Population Interconnection Among Population Researches on Social and Sensitive Issues Researches on Social and Sensitive Issues
Aim: To compare difference in parent’s behaviour towards their special child and normal child Aim: To compare difference in parent’s behaviour towards their special child and normal child Target Population: Parents of Special Children. Target Population: Parents of Special Children. Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Tool: Questionnaire Tool: Questionnaire
Criteria for sample: Couple who has two children, one who is special child and second who is normal child. Both children should be of school age. Criteria for sample: Couple who has two children, one who is special child and second who is normal child. Both children should be of school age. Approach any couple whom you know fits the criteria and request them to provide you with data. Approach any couple whom you know fits the criteria and request them to provide you with data. After collecting data from them, request them to provide you with reference of other couple, who will fit in criteria. (Parent/Couple may also request other couple to provide you with data). After collecting data from them, request them to provide you with reference of other couple, who will fit in criteria. (Parent/Couple may also request other couple to provide you with data). And so on you keep approaching different couple, until you collect required amount of data. And so on you keep approaching different couple, until you collect required amount of data.
Aim: Measure Stress Level Among Aged in Old Age Homes Aim: Measure Stress Level Among Aged in Old Age Homes Target Population: Old People Living in Old Age Homes. Target Population: Old People Living in Old Age Homes. Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Tool: Interview Tool: Interview
AdvantagesLimitation Simple Reach sample which maybe difficult to Locate Reluctance to refer Generalizability Constraints
The news-paper team wants to study the reasons of school failures and drop outs in present scenario. For their research they want educational counselors to be their respondents. There is no sample frame available of such people. But the team knows two such persons. The news-paper team has requested the department to give them a detailed explanation of the sampling method so that they can do their research flawlessly and understand why they should use the suggested method.
Aim: To find out reasons for School Failures and Dropouts Aim: To find out reasons for School Failures and Dropouts Target Population: Educational Counsellor Target Population: Educational Counsellor Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique Tool: (Interview) Tool: (Interview)