Research Paper Overview June 18, 2008 Ivan Katchanovski, Ph.D. POL 242Y-Y
Research Paper Format Deal with a political science topic Use research methods and data from this course From 5 to 10 pages including tables and bibliography Double spaced Times New Roman Font – Size12 Standard margins Due July 30,
Research Paper: Sections Title and Name: separate page – Numbered as page 1 Research hypothesis or research question – Why you selected this research hypothesis or research question Brief review of previous studies – UofT Library article databases Data – One of datasets from this course: 2000 WVS, 2006 Canadian Election Study, World dataset – Describe dataset: sample, aggregate vs. individual level, etc. – Describe dependent and independent variables: Names, type, concepts 3
Research Paper: Sections Methodology: – Research method used Analysis: – Results of SPSS analysis Should show support for main research hypothesis – Presented in research format Tables and/or figures – Interpretation of the results – Statistical significance Conclusion References Appendix: SPSS output/syntax 4