Reading Primary Literature Understanding the Presentation of Scientific Research Results
Organization of a Primary Research Paper TitleTitle AbstractAbstract IntroductionIntroduction Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods ResultsResults DiscussionDiscussion ConclusionConclusion ReferencesReferences AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements
Title Includes Purpose of the ExperimentsPurpose of the Experiments System or Subject of the ExperimentsSystem or Subject of the Experiments (if from a living organism, shows genus and species names, eg. Homo sapiens or Arabidopsis thaliana) (if from a living organism, shows genus and species names, eg. Homo sapiens or Arabidopsis thaliana)
Abstract: One Paragraph Including Purpose or Rationale of the StudyPurpose or Rationale of the Study –Provides background –Identifies the question or hypothesis –Explains why the study was done MethodologyMethodology –Identifies the major experimental approach –Explains how the study was done ResultsResults –Summarizes the major findings –Shows what was found ConclusionConclusion –Briefly explains what the results mean –Relates to other findings in the field of study
Introduction Includes Background for the question to be studied, from general to more specificBackground for the question to be studied, from general to more specific –Explains what is known –Identifies what is not yet known Statement of the hypothesis that will be testedStatement of the hypothesis that will be tested –Identifies the question that the researchers asked and answered –Emphasizes how the current experiments add to further understanding in the field of study
Materials and Methods Includes Description of the Experimental ProceduresDescription of the Experimental Procedures –Provides sufficient detail for replicating the method –May refer to other published protocols Identification of Sources of Unique MaterialsIdentification of Sources of Unique Materials
Results: Data Presentation Includes Description of the experimental outcomes, making reference to the data that is presentedDescription of the experimental outcomes, making reference to the data that is presented –Introduces the order in which the data is presented –May emphasize what the reader should notice about the data Tables and Figures showing the experimental outcomesTables and Figures showing the experimental outcomes –Each has a caption describing its contents –Combination of Caption + Figure or Table needs to tell a complete story
Measurement of ATP Levels
Discussion: Data Interpretation Includes Explanation of the Meaning and Significance of the Results PresentedExplanation of the Meaning and Significance of the Results Presented Clear Answer to the Question posed in Introduction, identifying how the experimental results support that answer ORClear Answer to the Question posed in Introduction, identifying how the experimental results support that answer OR Description of how well the data support the Hypothesis testedDescription of how well the data support the Hypothesis tested Description of how the data relates to and extends existing knowledge in the fieldDescription of how the data relates to and extends existing knowledge in the field Proposal for future experimentsProposal for future experiments
Conclusion Briefly summarizes the significant outcomes such asBriefly summarizes the significant outcomes such as –whether the hypothesis was supported and why or why not –any relationships observed –future experiments proposed May be presented as a final paragraph in the discussion rather than a separate sectionMay be presented as a final paragraph in the discussion rather than a separate section
References In the text, the name-year system is used to cite referencesIn the text, the name-year system is used to cite references –(Rius, et al., 2008) APA style is used at the end of the article to identify reference articlesAPA style is used at the end of the article to identify reference articles –Rius, S.P., Casati, P., Iglesias, A.A. and Gomez- Casati, D.F. (2008). Characterization of Arabidopsis Lines Deficient in GAPC-1, a Cytosolic NAD-Dependent Glyceraldehyde-3- Phosphate Dehydrogenase. Plant Physiology 148:
Acknowledgments Identify persons and institutions that the authors wish to thank, including funding agenciesIdentify persons and institutions that the authors wish to thank, including funding agencies
Strategies for Reading Primary Literature Use Title + Abstract to see a broad overviewUse Title + Abstract to see a broad overview –Consider what you already know about the field –Skim or skip the Introduction if you already have background for understanding the research Use Figures and Tables to identify the major findingsUse Figures and Tables to identify the major findings Consult the Discussion to understand the significance the authors assign to their findingsConsult the Discussion to understand the significance the authors assign to their findings Delve into the Materials and Methods if needed for understanding the figures or as a basis for designing your own experimentsDelve into the Materials and Methods if needed for understanding the figures or as a basis for designing your own experiments