Lab Report
Title Page Should be a concise statement of the main topic and should identify the actual variables under investigation and the relationship between them. The independent and dependent variables should be stated within the title Ex.-”the effect of violent cartoons on aggressive behavior in children” Author’s name-your name Affiliation- name of your school
Abstract The most important section of your report. It is read first and in the scientific community, it may be the only section read by busy readers. The abstract should include: the problem under investigation (hypothesis), a description of the subjects (number,age,sex,etc.), the experimental method (apparatus, data gathering techniques), the findings or a general statement of the results and the conclusions and implications of the study. The abstract should be less than 100 words.
INTRODUCTION Introduce the specific problem under study, the hypothesis, and the research strategy used to investigate the problem. Background – discuss previous experiments and research that have been done on this problem in the past. You should use the textbook, library materials, or your own reference sources to research previous work on the same or related topics. Purpose – State the reason the experiment was conducted
METHOD The method section tells the reader what you did and how you did it. It should include: subjects (a complete description of the subjects who participated in the experiment), apparatus (a description of any equipment used), and procedure (summarizes each step in the execution of the experimental research
RESULTS This section summarizes the data collected and any statistical treatment of it. It may be in the form of a table, graph or other clearly presented format.
DISCUSSION In the discussion section, you should evaluate your results in relation to your original hypothesis. Did your hypothesis prove to be true or not? You should explain clearly how the results did or did not support the hypothesis. State any factors which may have interfered with the validity of your results, such as uncontrolled variables. You should explain any anomalies, pieces of data that do not conform with the rest of your results. State the conclusions or implications that can be drawn from your study.
REFERENCES Cite any sources used in your report by stating the author, title, publisher, and copyright date.
EXTRA INFO Each page should be titled Each section should be on a different paper Data should be stapled at end Double spaced – 12 font