Surface Anatomy & Bones Biosciences LCSC06 Marianne Bos-Clark MSc Dr Pedro Amarante Andrade
THIS SESSION Cranial Fossa Surface anatomy of head and neck Sinuses Bones of the skull, including mandible Sinuses Cranial Fossa
SURFACE ANATOMY OF HEAD & NECK Upper eyelid Lower eyelid Upper lip Lower lip Sub-mental region Hyoid region Sub-hyoid region Laryngeal region Thyroid region Supra-sternal region Lateral neck region Mandibular region Mastoid region Auricular region Refs images this section: ( ( ( Surface Anatomy: The anatomical Basis of Clinical examination, Lumley
SURFACE ANATOMY OF NECK Refs images this section: ( ( ( Surface Anatomy: The anatomical Basis of Clinical examination, Lumley
SURFACE ANATOMY OF NECK Refs images this section: ( ( ( Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body. Gray’s Anatomy. Author: Henry Vandyke Carter
SURFACE ANATOMY OF NECK neck triangles Posterior Anterior Muscular Submental Submandibular Carotid
SURFACE ANATOMY OF NECK neck triangles Posterior Anterior Muscular Submental Submandibular Carotid
SURFACE ANATOMY OF NECK neck triangles Musculi coli base. Author: Olek Remesz
Medical Gross Anatomy. Surface anatomy. FACIAL LANDMARKS Medical Gross Anatomy. Surface anatomy.
SURFACE ANATOMY anterior neck Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Cricoid bone Thyroid gland
SURFACE ANATOMY anterior neck Hyoid Bone Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Thyroid gland
SURFACE ANATOMY lymph nodes Preauricular Submental Anterior Cervical submandibular supraclavicular
SURFACE ANATOMY sinuses Frontal Sphenoid Ethmoid Maxillary
SURFACE ANATOMY sinuses mucosa-lined air-filled cavities within the bones of the face and skull communicating with nasal cavity Function: debated Decrease skull weight Increase resonance protection (immunity) Wikipedia: The frontal sinus are situated behind the brow ridges. Sinuses are mucosa-lined airspaces within the bones of the face and skull. Each opens into the anterior part of the corresponding middle nasal meatus of the nose through the frontonasal ductwhich traverses the anterior part of the labyrinth of the ethmoid. These structures then open into the hiatus semilunaris in the middle meatus. Through its copious mucus production, the sinus is an essential part of the immune defense/air filtration carried out by the nose. Nasal and sinal mucosae are ciliatedand move mucus to the choanae and finally to the stomach. The thick upper layers of nasal mucus trap bacteria and small particles in tissue abundantly provided withimmune cells, antibodies, and antibacterial proteins. The layers beneath are thinner and provide a substrate in which the cilia are able to beat and move the upper layer with its debris through the ostia toward the choanae.
SURFACE ANATOMY sinuses Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. OpenStax College
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Locate on each other: Upper eyelid Lower eyelid Upper lid Lower lip Sub-mental region Hyoid region Sub-hyoid region Laryngeal region Thyroid region Supra-sternal region Lateral neck region Mandibular region Mastoid region Auricular region
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Locate on each other: Helix Antihelix External acoustic meatus Tragus Antitragus Intertragic incisure Lobule of ear Pupil Iris Semilunar fold Palpebral fissure Lateral angle Conjunctiva Lacrimal caruncle Medial angle
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Locate on each other: Canine 1st incisors 2nd incisors Premolars molar Uvula Palatopharyngeal arch Palatoglossal arch Vallate papillae Palatine tonsil Fungiform papillae
THE SKULL Must watch it!
BONES OF THE SKULL (hyoid bone) Ear: 3 small bones Cranium (8 bones): Single: frontal; occipital; sphenoid; ethmoid Paired: parietal and temporal FACIAL BONES (14) Single: mandible; vomer Paired: inferior nasal conchae; nasal bones; lacrimal bones; zygomatic bones; palatine bones; maxillae (hyoid bone) Ear: 3 small bones
BONES OF THE CRANIAL SKELETON Ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone Frontal bone Parietal bone Occipital bone Temporal bone
HEAD & NECK: SKULL & BONES Coronal suture External auditory meatus Temporomandibular joint Zygomatic arch By LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal
BONES OF THE CRANIAL SKELETON Henry Gray (1981) Anatomy of the Human Body Henry Vandyke Carter
By LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal EXAM QUESTION By LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal
HEAD & NECK: SKULL & BONES Parietal Occipital Foramen magnum Mandible Temporal
HEAD & NECK: SKULL & BONES Zygomatic Maxilla Palatine Temporal Occipital "Sobo 1909 41" by Dr. Johannes Sobotta - Sobotta Atlas and Text-book of Human Anatomy 1909
BONES OF THE CRANIAL SKELETON sagittal view Henry Gray (1981) Anatomy of the Human Body Henry Vandyke Carter
BONES OF THE CRANIAL SKELETON Henry Gray (1981) Anatomy of the Human Body Henry Vandyke Carter By LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal
Paired bones of upper jaw Landmarks (Inferior aspect) MAXILLAE Landmarks Fontal process Infraorbital margin Orbital process Infraorbital foramen Zygomatic process Anterior nasal spine Alveolar process Paired bones of upper jaw Hard palate Nose Upper dental ridge Landmarks (Inferior aspect) Palatine process Median palatine suture a.k.a. intermaxillary suture Incisive foramen Paired maxillae (single maxilla) Maxillae provides the hard palate-point of attachment for the SOFT PALATE, ALVEOLAR RIDGE, UPPER DENTAL ARCH and dominant structures of the NASAL CAVITIES Processes are logically named: fontal process of maxilla articulates with the frontal bone-so learning the names of the larger structures will help the learning process! Landmarks: Palpate: place finger on nose at the nasal side of the eye Fontal process: superior-most point of the maxillae Palpate: from the frontal process move your finger down and round the infraorbital marjin to the lower, mid point of the eye Infraorbital margin Palpate: supporting the eye is the orbital process Orbital process Just below your finger is the infraorbital foramen Infraorbital foramen-where the infraorbital branch of the maxillary part of the trigeminal nerve pass through the bone: provides sensory information to the lower eyelid, upper lip and nasal alae Lateral to your finger is the zygomatic process Zygomatic process-articulates with the zygomatic bone Palpate: at midline you can find the anterior nasal spine Anterior nasal spine Palpate: below this you will find the alveolar process Alveolar process-tooth bearing ridge
MAXILLAE From Anatomography. Website maintained by Life Science Databases (LSDB).
MAXILLAE Locate: Orbital surface & Zygomatic process Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter
BONES OF THE FACE Bones of the face: Mandible Maxillae Nasal bone Palatine bone and nasal conchae Vomer Zygomatic bone Hyoid bone
NASAL BONES AND VOMER From Anatomography. Website maintained by Life Science Databases (LSDB).
NASAL BONES AND VOMER Nasal bones and vomer Ethmoid bone: small bones which make up the superior nasal surface Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter
NASAL BONES AND VOMER Ethmoid bone: small bones which make up the superior nasal surface Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid VOMER Articulates with the: Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Cartilaginous septum Forms the nasal septum An unpaired, midline bone Looks like a knife blade or plough-with point directed towards the front. NASAL SEPTUM: Division between two nasal cavities VOMER makes up the inferior and posterior nasal septum Perpendicular plate of ethmoid is posterior aspect Septal cartilage is anterior aspect VOMER Inferior margin: MAXILLA and PALATAL bones Superior-posterior ETHMOID CRIBRIFORM PLATE
Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter BONES: NASAL CAVITY Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter
TMJ TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT By Thierry Canuel. Wikicommons
TMJ TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Hyman Body. Henry Vandyke Carter
Prominent structures: cheek bones ZYGOMATIC BONE Prominent structures: cheek bones Articulates with: Maxillae Frontal bone Temporal bone Forms the cheek bone Articulates with: Maxillae: maxillary process: point of articulation of ZYGOMATIC BONE and MAXILLA to form cheek bones Frontal bone: FRONTAL PROCESS forms articulation with the FRONTAL and SPHENOID BONES Temporal bone: TEMPORAL PROCESS: forms half zygomatic arch (temporal process of ZYGOMATIC BONE and ZYGOMATIC PROCESS of temporal bone By LadyofHats Mariana Ruiz Villarreal
LACRIMAL BONE Small bones almost completely hidden in the intact skull Articulate with: maxillae frontal bone nasal bone Small bones almost completely hidden in the intact skull Articulate with: maxillae frontal bone nasal bone inferior concha ???? Constitute a small portion of the lateral nasal wall and form a small portion of the medial orbit
CRANIAL FOSSAE ‘Fossae’= depressions Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. OpenStax College ‘Fossae’= depressions
Schadelbasis. Derivate work: Ms Strother. Wikicommons CRANIAL FOSSAE Schadelbasis. Derivate work: Ms Strother. Wikicommons
BONES: PALPATION External occipital protuberance (jctn skin neck/head) Superior nuchal line; median nuchal crest Mastoid process Zygomatic arch (front of ear) Parietal & frontal eminences Superciliary arches (frontal sinuses, F:small ) Glabella (triangular, smooth Nasion/frontonasal suture (depression root nose) Nasal bones vs cartilage Orbital margin Supraorbital notch (tubercule: lacrimal sac) Zygomatic bone Mandible (condyle; posterior border ramus; angle; symphysis; anterior border ramus; alveolar process) Hyoid bone (
SPOT CHECK Point to: Mastoid process Maxilla Lacrimal bone Temporal bone Occipital bone TMJ Frontal sinus Tragus/Antitragus Laryngeal prominence