The Citizens Advice service Citizens Advice is a registered charity.
About us Our aims: to provide the advice people need for the problems they face to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives. Our principles: The Citizens Advice service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.
About us “We’re here with advice when someone needs us, whatever the problem. In person, online and over the telephone.” FREE - CONFIDENTIAL - IMPARTIAL - INDEPENDENT
CAB client problems in Winchester bureau 25% money advice (debt) 25% benefits Next highest is housing/employment/relationship/legal
Perceptions of the service 97% of people have heard of the Citizens Advice service. BMRB, % of people say they have used a Citizens Advice Bureau at some point in their lives. BMRB, % client satisfaction. BMRB, 2009 Rated 1 st of 22 national charities on being helpful, approachable, professional, informative, effective, reputable and accountable. nfpSynergy Brand Attributes survey, 2010
Impact on winchester clients high number of local authority employees made redundant and first time for some to be unemployed and claiming benefits Always been an area of high employment which is likely to change over next months/years Due to increased need our bureau now has to offer “self help with support” to clients who are able, as we are at capacity with vulnerable clients who work on one to one basis with advisers. Clients will not get help early enough and we will pick them up at County Court at possession hearings.
Money advice process Maximise income (includes getting best deal on utilities, ensuring tax code correct etc and that client is receiving all benefits entitled to Complete a budget sheet after seeing evidence of income and expenditure Negotiations with priority creditors, (eg arrears of rent/mortgage, council tax and utilities) If any money left over, offered on a equitable basis to non priority creditors
Online advice 24 hours a day Covers the law in all four UK countries. Easy-to-use information in English and Welsh and other community languages. Handy fact sheets and sample letters to print. Signposting to trusted sources of further advice. Visit “An amazing amount of information on one website. A great self-help service.”
Contacts Tel:
Ways to follow us Follow us on Twitter Become a fan on Facebook Advice/ Watch films about the impact of the service on our YouTube channel