Sponsorship 2016 If you have any queries or if would like to discuss personalised options please contact our Sponsorship Manager.
Sponsorship Opportunities with Sparkle 2016 This year we are hoping for another fantastic year for Sparkle and The biggest Transgender Community Celebration in the World. We have big plans for 2016 including the Sparkle Weekend 8/9/10 th July. Also we have our fantastic Fringe events from 6 th -13 th July which include displays of Artwork, Comedy, Music and even a Pub Quiz! We are still looking for Main Sponsors for Weekend Events and other Sponsorship and Business Opportunities across the July Events. We are also are still selling our fantastic far reaching web space opportunities which run from now until next April In 2015 we had a fantastic and successful Sponsorship Promotions result: Over 10,000 visitors to the Sparkle Weekend A whopping 2,500 Sparkle Guides were printed 3,800 electronic Sparkle Guides downloaded Over 3.2 million website visits last - facebook/sparkletg registered charity
Business Involvement Options 2016 Sparkle Stalls 2016 Please Purchase Via This Link Saturday - £75 Sunday - £75 Full Weekend - £125 Limited Availability Sparkle Guide Adverts 2016 Please Purchase Via This Link Guide Advert 1/4 page - £75 Guide Advert 1/2 page - £105 Guide Advert Full Page - £160 Guide Advert Double Page - £250 As soon as possible. 49mm width x 65mm height 98mm width x 65mm height 98mm width x 135mm height 200mm width x 135mm height Sparkle Website Banner 2016 Please Purchase Via This Link Website Banner (Expires March 2016) - £120 As soon as possible. Size: 728px x 90px Printed Park Banner ft bv 2ft - £125 10ft by 3ft - £175 As soon as possible. Size: 1520mm x 610mm Size: 3048mm x 914mm Park Banner Space 2016 Please Purchase Via This Link 5ft bv 2ft - £75 10ft by 3ft - £110 Limited - facebook/sparkletg registered charity
Main Sponsorship Packages 2016 Sparkle is a national transgender charity – our mission is to support trans people, raise the awareness and educate communities and businesses on trans issues and engage and celebrate the trans diversity. Trans people suffer discrimination and misunderstanding – Sparkle helps people live better lives as trans, and at the same time educates and informs the wider society about trans* issues. We have a vast array of sponsors who come of board with Sparkle each year, Creating a fantastic event and supporting the charity in its work throughout the year. We hope you can find a suitable option for your business or organisation. We can always shape packages to best suit your needs and offer you something truly unique for Sparkle 2016 and beyond. Manchester has a unique and special place in the trans* community. Over the Sparkle Weekend last year we attracted nearly 11,000 visitors which contributed more than £2.9M to the local economy. We have the support of many local business and have actively engaged with both local and national organisations for Sparkle 2016 including ASDA The Co-Op Stonewall The LGBT Foundation. Manchester - facebook/sparkletg registered charity
Main Sponsorship Packages 2016 Sparkle Saturday Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sponsor of Sparkle Saturday Main Stage 2016, Logo inclusion on the press wall, One Website Banner, One Printed Park Banner, Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Double Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Your Logo on the Main Screen 10 times on Saturday. Sponsorship Minimum: £5,000 Sparkle Sunday Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sponsor of Sparkle Sunday Main Stage 2016, Logo inclusion on the press wall, One Website Banner, One Printed Park Banner, Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Double Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Your Logo on the Main Screen 10 times on Sunday. Sponsorship Minimum: £5,000 Sparkle Fringe Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sole sponsor of Sparkle Fringe 2016, Logo inclusion in Fringe events, One Website Banner, One Park Banner Space, Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Full Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Your Logo on the Main Screen 5 times per day Sponsorship Minimum: - facebook/sparkletg registered charity
Main Sponsorship Packages 2016 Sparkle Lounge Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sole sponsor of Sparkle Lounge 2016, Logo inclusion on Sparkle Lounge areas, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Website Banner, One Park Banner Space, Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Full Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Your Logo on the Main Screen 5 times per day Sponsorship Minimum: £3,500 Sparkle Friday Opening Party Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sponsor of Sparkle Friday Opening Party 2016, One Website Banner, One Printed Park Banner (10ft by 3ft), Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Full Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Logo on the Main Screen 5 times per day Sponsorship Minimum: £2,500 Sparkle Weekend Gold Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sponsor of Sparkle Weekend 2016, One Website Banner, One Printed Park Banner (10ftx3ft), Four Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Full Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Logo on the Main Screen 5 times per day Sponsorship Minimum: - facebook/sparkletg registered charity
Miss Sparkle / Miss Golden Sparkle Sponsorship 2016 Miss Sparkle Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sole Sponsor of Miss Sparkle 2016, One Website Banner, Two Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Half Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Sponsorship Minimum: £1,000 Miss Golden Sparkle Sponsor 2016 This Package includes: Sole Sponsor of Miss Golden Sparkle 2016, One Website Banner, Two Sparkle Lounge Weekend Passes, One Weekend Stall allocation, One Half Page Advert in the Sparkle Guide, Sponsorship Minimum: £1,000 Contact and Feedback We hope that you find the details in this document useful and we welcome any feedback to continually improve our Business Involvement offerings and our inclusive Sponsorship Package options going forward. Terms and Conditions: 1. The cut off dates for all Sponsorship Packages is the 14th June All graphics must be submitted by the required dates as stated in the tables above. 3. All graphics must be submitted in the required format and sizes as stated in the tables - facebook/sparkletg registered charity