All the answers start with L… Brrr War Dem Deutschen Volke In Soviet Russia! Testing
L This groups desire to return society to a pre- industrial state led to rampant machine smashing.
L Charismatic leader of the Russian Revolution
L Communism is located on this end of the political spectrum
L Organized groups of workers who try to improve working conditions and wages
L Military and political struggles from oppression. For example, Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Brr Governments try to gain secret information…(James Bond is often engaged in this)
Brr Kennedy and Khrushchev pushed the Cold War to the brink during this crisis.
Brr A systematic effort to shape beliefs and manipulate understandings.
Brr Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan are all examples of this kind of war…(one in which superpowers are not in direct conflict with each other)
Brr Canada, the United States and Britain are members of this alliance.
Germany – 100 This treaty forced Germany to accept responsibility for causing all loss and damages during WWI.
Germany – 200 Nice beard. This German founder of Communism believed that wealth and property should be shared by the masses.
Germany – 300 This act, passed in 1933, gave Hitler absolute power over the German government…
Germany – 400 Hitler’s own form of fascism.
Germany – 500 Hitler believed that Northern Europeans known as ________ were the superior race.
Russia This book, written by Karl Marx, greatly influenced Communist revolutionaries in Russia
Russia Peace! Land! Bread! Was the slogan of this political slogan of this party.
Russia Although this man claimed to be a Marxist- Leninist, his own interpretation of communist was influenced by his desire to maintain absolute power.
Russia The famine in the Ukraine led to thousands of deaths…
Russia This type of farming imposed by Stalin and combined private farms by force…
This Iroquois “constitution” emphasized that the authority of government is ultimately in the hands of the people.
The conflict between First Nation and European worldviews is rooted in a different understanding of our relationship with this…
This thinker was influential in the early development of socialism. He was particularly concerned with the well being of workers.
“My sole aim is profit…the only laws that guide me are the laws of the marketplace” This quote reflects the writings of this classical liberal philosopher.
The development of the labour movement was a response to living conditions brought about by the implementation of this ideology…
L Luddites
L Lenin
L Left
L Labour Unions
L Liberation Movements
Brr Espionage
Brr Cuban Missile Crisis
Brr Propaganda
Brr Proxy Wars
Germany – 100 Treaty of Versailles
Germany – 200 Karl Marx
Germany – 300 Enabling Act
Germany – 400 Nazism
Germany – 500 Aryans
Russia Communist Manifesto
Russia Bolsheviks
Russia Stalin
Russia Holdomor
Collective Farming Russia -500
Great Law of the Peace
Robert Owen
Adam Smith
Classical liberalism