Medical Grand Round 순환기 내과 R1 이윤정
Chief complaint Chest pain onset) 내원 30 분전 양상 : 2nd attack ( 1 st : 2000 년, 2 nd : 내원 30 분전 ) character – squeezing type, radiation (-) associated sx. (-) duration — 30 분 이상 location – substernal area, NTG response (-) Present illness 평소 특이병력 없는 72 세 남자환자로 2000 년에 급성 심근 경색으 로 아산병원에서 PTCA ( mid-RCA stent insertion state ) 시행받고 이후 medication 하면서 지내다가 내원 30 분전에 커피마시다가 흉 통을 주소로 본원 ER 통해 입원함 Patient’s history 이 0 길 (M/72) Adm
Medical history DM/HTN/TB/Hepatitis ( -/ - / - /- ) OP Hx. (+) : 2004 년 TURP d/t BPH ( 위생병원 ) PTCA ( mid-RCA drug eluting stent insertion state ) – 2000 년 시행, aspirin 100mg qd, po Family history Unremarkable Personal history Alcohol(-) Smoking(+) : 1pack x 50 years – 50 pack / years Patient’s history
General : fatigue(-) fever(-) chills(-) sweat(+) weight loss(-) Head & Neck : headache(-) trauma(-) stiiffness(-) Eye & ENT : sore throat(-) dry mouth(-) visual disturbance(-) Respiratory : cough(-) sputum(-) hemoptysis(-) Cardiac : chest pain(+) dyspnea(-) palpitation(-) orthopnea(-) Gastrointestinal : A/N/V/D/C(-/-/-/-/-) abdomial pain (-) Neurology : dizziness(-) tremor(-) Review of System
Physical Examination V/S : 100/60 mmHg-91 회 /min-24 회 /min-36°C General apperance alert conciousness Acutely ill appearance Skin no rash or pigmentation, skin turgor : normal Head & Neck no thyroid gland enlargement no neck vein engoregement no thyroid gland enlargement Eye & ENT isocoric pupil with PLR(++/++) pinkish conjunctiva clear sclera Physical Examination
Thorax symmetric chest expansion course breathing sound with rale of Rt. Lower lung field regular heart beat without murmur Abdomen soft and flat abdomen normoactive bowel sound no hepatosplenomegaly no tenderness, no rebound tenderness Back / Extremity CVA tenderness(-/-) pretibial pitting edema(-/-) dorsalis pedis artery pulse : palpable Neurologic examination unremarkable Physical Examination
Initial EKG
Chest x-ray (‘ )
CBC/DC 15820/mm g/dL % /mm 3 (seg.:43%) INR :1.00 % a-PTT : 36 C 33 sec Chemistry TB/DB 0.6 / 0.1 mg/dL AST/ALT 24 / 19 IU/L ALP / rGT 73 / 43 IU/L Prot/Alb 5.6 / 3.4 g/dL Glucose 150 mg/dL BUN/Cr 21 / 0.9 mg/dL Na/K/Cl 137 /4.0 /106 mmol/L Heart enzyme CK / CK-MB 174 U/L / 23.0 ng/mL (CK-MB/CK ratio : 13.2 %) Myoglobin ( 17.4 – ) ng/mL TnI ( <0.04 ) 1.39 ng/Ml Lipid profile TG/Total cholesterol 100 / 175 mg/dl HDL / LDL Cholesterol 12 / 115 mg/dl Initial Lab Finding
Acute myocardiac infarction Pulmonary edema Impression
Diagnostic Plan Echocardiography Coronary angiography, PTCA 고려 Heart enzyme F/U Chest X-ray, EKG F/U Diagnostic Plan
Echocardiography (‘ )
Coronary angiography ( )
PTCA ( )
F/U EKG Heart enzyme F/U CK/CK-MB 571/ 92.7 ( ratio ) :00 CK/CK-MB 573 / 44.7 ( ratio 7.8 ) : 00 CK/CK-MB 397 / 9.6 ( ratio 2.41 ) : am 7:00
F/U Chest PA
Acute MI – Restenosis of stent insertion site - Total occlusion at Mid-RCA Final diagnosis