Welcome to Jeopardy With your host, Ms. Pakestein Today’s Topic: Biochemistry
How many protons does Nitrogen have?
NaCl is an example of what type of bond…
What is the purpose of fat in the body? List 2.
O 2+ has how many electrons?
Open Ended Provide the elements that make up Carbohydrates. What is the ratio of elements?
How much unsaturated fat is in this food?
Which of the following will NOT denature an enzyme? A. Heat A. HeatHeat B. pH change to basic B. pH change to basicpH change to basicpH change to basic C. Time C. TimeTime D. pH change from acid to neutral D. pH change from acid to neutralpH change from acid to neutralpH change from acid to neutral
Bases release _____ in solution.
Which type of lipid contains at least one double bond between its carbons?
Label this!
What type of carbohydrate is Glucose an example of…
What is the total calorie count in the label below?
If you add lemonade mix to water, the water is the ______. A. Solvent A. SolventSolvent B. Solution B. SolutionSolution C. Solute C. SoluteSolute D. Mixture D. MixtureMixture
This diagram is considered... A. Enzyme A. Enzyme B. Exothermic Reaction B. Exothermic Reaction C. Endothermic Reaction C. Endothermic Reaction D. Activation Energy D. Activation Energy
Identify a product in this reaction. HCl + H2O H + + Cl - + H 2 0 A. HCl A. HClHCl B. H+ B. H+H+ C. H C. H 2 0 2H 2 0 2H D. None of the above D. None of the aboveNone of the aboveNone of the above
What polysaccharide stores energy in muscle and liver tissue?
What is the % daily value for sodium?
Water is an example of ________ A. An atom A. An atomAn atomAn atom B. An ion B. An ionAn ionAn ion C. A molecule C. A moleculeA moleculeA molecule D. A element D. A elementA elementA element
Atomic Mass tells you the number of __________.
Which of the following is the activation energy? A. 1 A. 1 B. 2 B. 2 C. 3 C. 3 D. 4 D. 4
How many total calories are in this container?
If Carbon has 6 protons and 7 electrons, then it _______. A. is an isomer A. is an isomeris an isomeris an isomer B. is a polymer B. is a polymeris a polymeris a polymer C. is an ion C. is an ionis an ionis an ion D. is an isotope D. is an isotopeis an isotopeis an isotope
Open Ended What part of an amino acid dictates its function and structure? What part of an amino acid dictates its function and structure?
Oxygen will be happy if… A. It gains 2 electrons A. It gains 2 electronsIt gains 2 electronsIt gains 2 electrons B. It loses 2 electrons B. It loses 2 electronsIt loses 2 electronsIt loses 2 electrons C. It gains 1 electron C. It gains 1 electronIt gains 1 electronIt gains 1 electron D. It loses 3 electrons D. It loses 3 electronsIt loses 3 electronsIt loses 3 electrons
Enzymes are ______. A. Living A. LivingLiving B. Catalysts B. CatalystsCatalysts C. Used up in reactions C. Used up in reactionsUsed up in reactionsUsed up in reactions D. Can withstand high temperatures D. Can withstand high temperaturesCan withstand high temperaturesCan withstand high temperatures
Which biological macromolecule transports substances between cells?
What type of biological molecule is an enzyme?
Open ended What constitutes something as an organic compound? What constitutes something as an organic compound?
A pH of 12 is a … A. Strong Acid A. Strong AcidStrong AcidStrong Acid B. Strong Base B. Strong BaseStrong BaseStrong Base C. Weak Acid C. Weak AcidWeak AcidWeak Acid D. Weak Base D. Weak BaseWeak BaseWeak Base E. Neutral E. NeutralNeutral
Label The Parts of the Reaction!
Red litmus paper turns ______ in the presence of a base. A. Yellow A. YellowYellow B. Red B. RedRed C. Blue C. BlueBlue D. White D. WhiteWhite
Fill in the blank. **** Bases taste ________.****
Which is the electron configuration for Carbon? A.B. A.B. C. D. C. D.
When [H+] = [OH-], then A. Acids take over A. Acids take overAcids take overAcids take over B. pH 7 B. pH 7pH 7pH 7 C. Slightly basic C. Slightly basicSlightly basicSlightly basic D. Extra electrons D. Extra electronsExtra electronsExtra electrons
How many total atoms are in 4CH 4 A. 4 A. 44 B. 8 B. 88 C. 16 C D. 20 D. 2020
How many electrons are in chlorine's valence shell? A. 8 A. 88 B. 2 B. 22 C. 7 C. 77 D. 5 D
What does HDL and LDL mean, and what do they do to your cholesterol levels? Open Ended Open Ended
Open Ended What are the three components of a nucleotide? What are the three components of a nucleotide?
1. 1. Balance the following equation. ____ Na 3 PO 4 + ____ KOH ____ NaOH + ____ K 3 PO 4 2. Write down the equation for a neutralization reaction 3. What molecule is shown below: Double Jeopardy!