Inappropriate Workplace Behaviors
Criminal Intent, customer or client, worker-on-worker, personal relationship Act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site Types: intimidation, harassment and bullying, physical violence, and sexual intimidation Violence
Unwanted offensive touching Offensive sexual conduct, gestures Unwanted exposure to pornography Unwanted offensive sexual texts, s, social media communications Any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment Sexual Harassment
Set out a clear procedure for filing sexual harassment complaints State that you will discipline or fire any wrongdoers Train supervisors and managers Physical and procedural security Training and awareness Incident management and response Procedures for Addressing these
If an employee follows company procedures and isn’t involved in sexual harassment and violence in a workplace, he or she could be promoted, could get a raise, or could convert the workplace attitude to happiness. Positive Effects
Gives one post dramatic stress One who is committing sexual harassment or violence will be fired and defamed. Unable to perform job properly Makes a strong case for more proactive measures Negative Effects
An office manager in a law firm is made uncomfortable by lawyers who regularly tell sexually explicit jokes. “going postal” – one who snaps and inflicts violence in a workplace environment, normally in the postal service Real World Examples
Victims of sexual harassment lose $4.4 million in wages and 973,000 hours More than half of 500 managers of large and small companies reported incidents or threats of workplace violence Information
7 tips to prevent workplace violence 7 tips to prevent workplace violence Video Works Cited