Prof. D.N. Reddy Director Centre for Energy Technology and Principal University College of Engineering Osmania University Hyderabad – 7. THEME PAPER ON AND
NEXT GENERATION POWER PLANTS Criteria for selection Efficiency Environmental protection Availability of fuel Power generation cost Investment costs Financing
Main advantages of Super-Critical Steam Cycle Reduced fuel cost due to improved thermal efficiency Reduction of CO 2 emissions by 15% per unit of Power generated compared to sub-critical Very good part load efficiencies Plant costs are comparable with sub-critical units
Very low emissions NO x, SO x and particulate using modern Flue Gas Clean-up Equipment (FGD) Sub-critical units operating below bar pressure and o C Super-critical units-Coal Fired Oil / Gas FBC, HRSG
Current State-of-Art Super-critical Steam Power Generation Plants Pressure-300 bar Temperature-600 o C Efficiency-45% (LHV Basis) Nickel based alloys allows up 650 o C By the year o C By the year o C Cycle Efficiency-50-55%
Steam Cycle Optimization Improvement of Plant-auxillaries efficiency Cycle layout Increasing Feed water temperatures Reducing flue gas temperature Use of vertical furnace wall tubing Supercritical units potential Present-5 GW GW/per annum
R&D in Super-Critical Materials Limitations are major factors limiting further development, with key constraints at the furnace wall, super heater and re-heater outlets, and the first stage of the HP and IP turbines. Other developments are under way, mostly by individual manufacturers to Optimize Cycle Design improve individual components, which are resulting in incremental heat rate improvements.
No significant opportunities for Retrofit of Super- Critical Technology to existing (predominantly sub- critical) plants have been identified. FBCs using Super-Critical Steam Cycles are now being developed. A 350 MW PFBC is under construction in Japan.
The indications are that HRSGs will progressively move to Once-Through Technology and then to supercritical pressures as GTs become larger and exhaust temperatures rise. Power Cycle Optimization taking into account such parameters as the number of reheats employed, inlet steam conditions and feedwater heater arrangement.