Nutrients and Algae
Major Algal Nutrients Phosphorus - taken up by algae as orthophosphate (PO 4 3- ). Nitrogen - taken up by algae as nitrate (NO 3 - ) or ammonia (NH 4 + ) Silica - used in large amounts by diatoms to make their glass shells
Sources of Nutrients Point Source Pollution – comes out of a pipe
Sewage Treatment Plant
Sources of Nutrients Non-Point Source Pollution - Washes into the water
Fertilized Lawns
Septic Fields
Rain & the Atmosphere
An Example: Crow Hill Pond Topographic Map of the Watershed or Catchment
Aquatic Food Web Nutrients and Light Floating Algae (Phytoplankton) Algae Blobs (Periphyton and Metaphyton) Water Plants (Macrophytes) Zooplankton Bottom Critters (Benthic Invertebrates) Fish