Topographic Map WebQuest A Simpson’s Adventure
Contour Maps 1) Visit the Simpsons "Contour Map" Website: Click on this Link now. Answer the questions on your student page: a) What is the purpose of a contour map? b) What is the contour interval of the map that Marge drew for Homer? c) Under what circumstances might someone want to use or make a contour map, versus a regular relief map?
Spacing and Steepness 2) Simpsons "Spacing and Steepness" Website: Click on this Link now a) How can you determine if a side of a hill is steep or not by looking at a contour map? How can you tell if it has a gentle slope? b) When is the only time when contour lines on the map will overlap each other? c) Why is distance important when trying to determine the steepness of a hill on a contour map?
Depressions 3) Simpsons "Depressions" Website: Click Here What does a Hachured Contour tell someone looking at a contour map?
Elevations Quiz Simpsons "Elevations" Quiz Here
Labeling Contours Simpsons "Labeling Contours" Quiz Here
Make Your Own Map Follow the directions on you paper to create your own contour map