Real-Time FOS monitor DEPFET PXD and SVD Workshop in Göttingen E. Currás, D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto. Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC ) G. Carrión, M. Frövel. Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronautica (INTA )
Outline — SVD – PXD relative position monitor: _ Manufacturing reproducibility and calibration of the omega shape (in progress). _ New displacement to strain transducer: L- shape — Future activities (Fall 2012): _ Irradiation of FOS and Omega and L shapes at ELSA. _ FOS infrastructure in AIDA thermo-mechanical setup at DESY. _ Valencia's Mockup: measurement in N 2 atmosphere. — Summary. david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. 2
Omega Reproducibility studies 3 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — The aim is to study the reproducibility of the omega new manufacturing procedure and linearity and accuracy calibration. _ Calibrated at -20ºC, 20ºC, 30ºC, 35ºC, 40ºC _ Compression cycles at IFCA (measurement repeatability) — By November all omegas manufactured and tested for the next irradiation campaign. — Started the study of Temperature compensation
Omega-0 Calibration results 4 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen.
Miniaturized displacement-strain transducer: L- Shape 5 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. 4 Layers omega instead 6: maximum stress ( Material Resistance up to 1785 Mpa ) 26 mm 3.5mm 8 mm Contact Ball SVD support Cone
New omega design L-shape 6 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 7 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 8 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 9 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 10 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 11 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 12 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 13 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 14 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 15 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 16 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 17 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
New omega design L-shape 18 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — How it works:
L-shape manufacturing — L-Shape cast machining to be started this week. — Manufacturing of six L-shape at INTA — Same characterization as the Omega-shape (Completed by the end of November) 19 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen.
Future activities (Irradiation) — New irradiation test at ELSA (Bonn) — The aim: _ Irradiate FBG sensors with electrons and up to the expected max. dose for PXD (10 MRads) Observe the radiation –induced temperature increase in FBG sensors. _ Irradiation of L-shapes to see complete sensor response under irradiation Calibrate before and after Irradiation to study the effect of the radiation. Study radiation-induced Omega and L-shape sensors temperature change under a radiation intensity similar to the one expected at PXD. 20 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen.
Future activities: AIDA thermo- mechanical infrastructure — Within the FP7 EU project AIDA: a Thermo-mechanical set-up being commissioned at Desy for dedicated test in pixel/tracker mock-ups and components. — By November 2012 a FOS-based monitoring system available for users. — Cross calibration with optical measuring device. — PXD, SVD mockups as users of this infrastructure from the point view of AIDA (should profit from this). 21 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — Another Test at IFIC Thermal Set-up with FBG sensors and PT-100.: — Make Temperature and humidity measurements under a N 2 atmosphere
Future activities: Additional test in Valencia’s Mockup. — Reproduce thermal and mechanical measurements at Depfet mock-up at Valencia in N2 atmosphere 22 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen.
Closed System (Latest experimental setup) 23 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. Fully enclosed volume with Cu dummies and Si resistive sample in outer layer, using new Stainless steel CBs. 24 resistive heaters (6.35 mm x mm) simulating DCD-DHP dissipation (8W per heater, 192W total) N 2 gas cooled down to ~0ºC through Cu coil in LN2 Dewar atmosphere Two phase CO 2 cooling (T~-35ºC) BP cooled down to 15ºC (Liquid coolant)
Thermal camera Results. — Reproduce thermal and mechanical measurements at Depfet mock-up at Valencia in N2 atmosphere 24 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. w/o N 2 gas T MAX ~40ºC T~15ºC w/ N 2 gas T MAX ~25ºC T~5ºC
Future activities: Test in Valencia Mockúp 25 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. CO2 COOLING Outer ladder AIR COOLING COOLING BLOCK POLYAMIDE SENSOR Inner ladder ACRYLATE SENSOR
Summary and Future plans. — Manufacturing of 12 ( 6+6) omega and L prototypes in progress for reproducibility studies, to be completed by November. — New irradiation campaign with electrons at ELSA — By the end of the year, FOS monitoring available at DESY thermo-mechanical infrastructure through FP7 AIDA. — New humidity and thermal studies at IFIC thermal set- up (N 2 atmosphere) — Complete the study of FBG vibration sensitivity. 26 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen.
BACK UP th DEPFET Workshop, June 19th, Kloster Seeon.
Humidity measurement of VLC Mockup th DEPFET Workshop, June 19th, Kloster Seeon.
New omega design: L-shape 29 david.moya 2012 PXD-SVD Workshop, Sept. 25th, Göttingen. — 4 layers L-shape simulated properties: _ Resolution near 1.5 um for acrylate sensors and near 1 um for polyimide sensors. _ Reaction Forces of 1 N _ Maximum stress of MPa
31 Beam pipe monitoring CO2 COOLING Outer ladder AIR COOLING COOLING BLOCK CENTRAL AC SENSOR LEFT AC SENSOR RIGHT A.C. SENSOR Inner ladder Pi SENSOR Beam Pipe PT100 measurements indicate temperature around 15ºC regardless of cooling and heating elements. FBG FOS corroborate these results.
FBG Calibrations: Vibrations (2) — Calibration against reference accelerometers at Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón th DEPFET Workshop, June 19th, Kloster Seeon. Ref. Acc. Vibrating Table
Raw data — Still all the analysis to be done th DEPFET Workshop, June 19th, Kloster Seeon.