CE320 Unit 9 Seminar: Language Development in the Young Child
AUDIO AND TEXT CHECK I am aware that many of you are new to online learning and to using computers, so before we get started… lets conduct a quick audio check. If you can’t hear me, please confirm that the volume on your speakers are on and if you have external speakers confirm that they are plugged in. If you can’t hear me, please try logging out and back in. This often fixes the problem. If you are having difficulty typing into the text box, please try hitting the f11 key. If this does not work – please call Tech Support at
In this Seminar, we will focus on your career opportunities and your role in developing language and literacy skills in young children from birth to age eight. Tonight we will… Go on a Virtual Field Trip Discuss Career Opportunities Available Discuss The Early Childhood Professionals’ Role Review the Unit 9 Project and Rubric Questions and planning schedule to complete project UPDATES AND REMINDERS
Unit Outcomes and Expectations At the end of this unit you should be able to: 1. Complete assessment forms from observations of behaviors in an early childhood setting Reflect on the typical language development and theoretical perspectives involving young children Apply your ethical principles into creating school to home connections that promote parental involvement
Field Trip Tonight’s field trip is a search of career opportunities for early childhood professionals. ResourcesLibrary/Documents/JobSearchCampaign/JobSearchSites. aspxhttps://kucampus.kaplan.edu/UniversityInfo/CareerResources/Career ResourcesLibrary/Documents/JobSearchCampaign/JobSearchSites. aspx Before you go, please listen to these directions: You will want to open up anther browser and scroll down to this page’s “General Job Search Sites”. (Note: If the link does not work, go on to Kaplan’s home page and select “University Info” from the top blue tabs, then click on “Career Resources”). Select one of the sites available to go job hunting. Find one job and tell us about the work that you will do in that position. What career opportunities did you discover from your search? CE320 Language Development in the Young Child
Knowledge and Your Career Choice How will the knowledge that you have gained in this class be carried over into one of the career choices that you have discovered? CE320 Language Development in the Young Child
Your role in developing language CE320 Language Development in the Young Child What is the early childhood professional’s role in developing language and literacy skills in young children from birth to age eight?
UNIT 9 PROJECT DIRECTIONS Assessment and Theoretical Perspectives Your Unit 9 Project has two parts. In Part I, you will be watching videos of children participating in reading activities, and you will document and assess the behavior you witness. You will use this information in Part II of the project, in which you will write a paper and use theoretical perspectives to explain the language development you witnessed. The template provided in the course has been set up in the correct format to complete both parts of this project.
UNIT 9 PROJECT: PART I Part I: Observation and Documentation Watch the three videos provided in the course and document your observations using the assessment forms provided in the template. Video 1: Story Time: Complete a Checklist on your observation of the reading behaviors one of the more vocal children in the group. Video 2: Sam Reading Books: Complete an Anecdotal Record on the vocabulary level of Sam. After clicking this link, scroll until you get to Sam Reading Books. Video 3: Shared Reading: Complete Story Book Language Observation of one of the children in the video. The documentation you create will be submitted as appendices to Part II of this project.
PROJECT 9: PART II Part II: Paper Once you have completed your observations and assessment documentation, write a 1- to 2-page paper explaining the typical language development you observed and outlining the theoretical perspectives observed in the students in the videos. You will also provide a summary of the assessments you used during your observation.
UNIT 9 PROJECT FORMATTING GUIDELINES Suggested format of your paper including title, reference, and appendix A, B, C: A title page An introduction to the role that assessments have in language development and a summary of the points you will make in your paper. An explanation of the purpose of each of your assessments. A discussion of where you observed application of theory and DAP principles in at least one of the videos. A conclusion and short summary of your documentation and analysis experience. You should also reflect upon how this experience will prepare you for your career goals as an early childhood professional. A Reference page followed by appendices with the three assessment forms
UNIT 9 PROJECT FORMATTING GUIDELINES Be sure to use specific information from your readings in your paper, and be sure to use APA formatting. Information regarding APA formatting can be found in the Writing Center and should be reviewed thoroughly. APA formatting dictates how your paper should appear on each page. Refer to the APA Quick Reference under Course Home for examples of how to cite sources. Your writing should be organized, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics while demonstrating the ability to apply critical thinking skills to illustrate sound reasoning. Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Avoid any practice that might constitute plagiarism. Use the rubric as your guide to ensure that you include all the required contents.
COPY RUBRIC BELOW Content 154 points Part I: Observation and Documentation Watch the three videos provided and document your observations using the assessment forms provided in the template The documentation you create will be submitted as appendices to Part II of this project. Video 1: Story Time: Complete a Checklist on your observation of the reading behaviors of one of the more vocal children in the group. Video 2: Sam Reading Books: Complete an Anecdotal Record on the vocabulary level of child in video. Video 3: Shared Reading: Complete Story Book Language Observation of one of the children in the video. Part II: Paper Once you have completed your observations and assessment documentation, write a 1- to 2-page paper explaining the typical language development you observed and outlining the theoretical perspectives observed in the students in the videos. You will also provide a summary of the assessments you used during your observation. · An introduction to the role that assessments have in language development and a summary of the points you will make in your paper. · An explanation of the purpose of each of your assessments. · A discussion of where you observed application of theory and DAP principles in at least one of the videos. · A conclusion and short summary of your documentation and analysis experience. You should also reflect upon how this experience will prepare you for your career goals as an early childhood professional
Mechanics/Structure 16 points Spelling, Grammar checked (Complete sentences with no sentence fragments, run-ons, subject/verb agreement, punctuation, capitalization, etc) Clear writing, smooth transitions.Appropriate Length (1-2 pages for Part I, plus 3 documentation forms for Part II in Appendix) 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman) Double-spaced APA style for references/citations (see APA Quick Reference Guide & KU Writing Center) All work from other authors is paraphrased or quoted using an in-text citation; No copied work/plagiarism Inclusion of a title page/reference page
Time to Review: Questions? Where are the templates for this project? When is this project due? How will you approach the work involved in this project? Have you planned enough time in your schedule? If not, what adjustments do you plan to make?
REFERENCES Jupiter Images Corporation, (2010). Clipart.com. Retrieved May 10, 2010 from Manen, M. (2000). Moral language and pedagogical experience. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(2), doi: / Otto, B. (2010). Language Development in Early Childhood, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Zeece, P., & Wallace, B. (2009). Books and Good Stuff: A Strategy for Building School to Home Literacy Connections. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(1), doi: /s