The Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard
Background The way to truth is not through the great systems, such as Hegel’s, but through the embrace of ambiguity and paradox, self-study and self-inquiry.
Soren Kierkegaard ( ) Soren often lamented that he had never had a childhood of carefree spontaneity, but he had been “born old.”
Kierkegaard’s Philosophy Kierkegaard was concerned that a socialization of Christianity had made it safe and tame. It was no longer a risk, and above all, he wanted Christianity to be a huge risk.
Kierkegaard’s Philosophy And interestingly enough, the first truth to be faced is very often that we simply do not know. For Kierkegaard, faith is that force, or energy, which allows one to bear to stand in front of that unknowing.
Kierkegaard’s Philosophy Questioning opens us to the experience of truth, while imagining we already know the truth prevents us from having the experience.
Kierkegaard’s Philosophy Kierkegaard was quick to point out that we are all guilty of idolatry every time we place the values of the crowd above our own conscience.
Summary Kierkegaard was antagonistic, not toward the use of reason, but to its abuse and presumptuousness.
Summary Burning questions, when listened to attentively, bring us to that silence where, perhaps, we can hope to hear as if for the first time.