Versailles: colonial mandates
Japanese Expansion
“The Chinese Cake;” 1898
Japanese Empire: 1942
“Japan the Giant Killer:”
Imperialism in Asia:
Africa in 1914
British Empire in the 1920’s
“the sun never sets... “
The British Empire: Another View
British Colonials: India, 1881
Mohandas Gandhi
Gandhi in the 1930’s
Gandhi: beginning of the famous “salt march,” 1930
“Quit India” movement: 1942
India: 1947 (?):Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Jawaharlal Nehru
Partition: India and Pakistan (1947)
Ali Jinnah
Land Freedom Army (“mau mau”): Kenya, 1954
Egypt: 1950’s
Colonel Abdel Nasser
Aswan High Dam
Suez Canal
Suez Crisis: 1956
Suez Crisis damage
French Indio-China
Ho Chi Minh
Dien Bien Phu: 1954
French soldiers at Dien Bien Phu
Result: Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu
FLN in Algeria, 1957 (“pieds noirs”)
Fighting in Algeria
Charles De Gaulle
Albert Camus
Rio Ferdinand Zinedine Zadine
Decolonization of Africa:
“guest workers” from Turkey in Germany
Westminster Abbey: London
London Central Mosque: Regents Park
Brixton riots
religious expression in France
Freedom of religion in Switzerland
The National Front: Joan of Arc and Jean Marie Le Pen
Neocolonialism Mozambique