VALUING DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES Presented by: Burcin Unel, Ph.D., Institute for Policy Integrity Ferit Ucar, Ph.D., Environmental Defense Fund.


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Presentation transcript:

VALUING DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES Presented by: Burcin Unel, Ph.D., Institute for Policy Integrity Ferit Ucar, Ph.D., Environmental Defense Fund

O VERVIEW Guiding Principle: Prices that Reflect Costs Valuing DER through Cost-Reflective Prices Valuing Environmental Benefits and Costs of DER Alternatives – Design of Credits

G UIDING P RINCIPLE : P RICES THAT R EFLECT C OSTS Same principles for participating and non-participating customers A technology-neutral framework Unbundled Time- and location- specific Value of on-site DG production netted against consumption

V ALUING DER THROUGH C OST -R EFLECTIVE P RICES Bulk System Costs Energy Transmission Losses Generation Capacity Ancillary Services Distribution System Costs Distribution Capacity Distribution Losses

V ALUING E NVIRONMENTAL B ENEFITS AND C OSTS OF DER “LMP + D + E” Framework Quantifying Avoided Emissions Clean DER Emitting DG Need to meter total on-site generation Statistical sampling for clean DG Metering of gross generation for emitting DG Valuing Avoided Emissions

D ESIGN OF CREDITS Depends on underlying price structure Needs to be set to reflect avoided costs Location-specific and time-specific

R EFERENCES Matt Christiansen and Elizabeth B. Stein, The Rise of DG: Options for Addressing the Environmental Consequences of Increased Distributed Generation, NYU S CHOOL OF L AW G UARINI C ENTER AND EDF, (February 2016), available at content/uploads/2016/02/DG-Policy-Br-Rough-Draft-vFINAL.pdf. content/uploads/2016/02/DG-Policy-Br-Rough-Draft-vFINAL.pdf Richard L. Revesz and Burcin Unel, Managing the Future of the Electricity Grid: Distributed Generation and Net Metering, forthcoming at H ARVARD E NVIRONMENTAL L AW R EVIEW, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2017, available at Nick Martin, Carbon-Tuning New York’s Electricity System: Uncovering New Opportunities for CO2 Emissions Reductions. Pace University School of Law, Pace Energy and Climate Center, 2015, available at tuning-new-yorks-electricity-system. tuning-new-yorks-electricity-system

C ONTACT I NFORMATION Burcin Unel, Ph.D. Senior Economist Institute for Policy Integrity Ferit Ucar, Ph.D. Senior Clean Energy Economist Environmental Defense Fund