A strict adherence to a moral code
A consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes Integrity is regarded as honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy
Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishingmoral codeethical policyacademiacheatingplagiarismacademic standardsacademic publishing -Wikipedia
Core ethical values are held in high regard across all cultures and age groups. They are the highest of all human values and guide you toward healthy choices.
A person with integrity...
“ Watch your thoughts, they become words./ Watch your words, they become your actions./ Watch your actions, they become your habits./ Watch your habits, they become your character./ Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” -Anonymous
“ A man’s reputation is the opinion people have of him; his character is what he really is.” -Jack Miner
“Character is like a lantern. No matter how dark it gets, it will help you light your way.” -Anonymous
“If I keep my good character I shall be rich enough.” - Platonicus