World Philosophy Mr. Zuercher
What is philosophy? ▪ Philosophy is critical and creative thinking about fundamental questions. – What is a person – What is a meaningful life? – What is beauty? – What are good and evil? – What is a just society? – What can be known? ▪ If you have ever asked any of these questions, you ARE philosopher
What tools do philosophers use? ▪ We use our brains…specifically, the part that thinks ▪ Critical Thinking – challenging the arguments of others with arguments of your own – An argument is a claim you want someone to believe to be true – Followed by reasons/support for the truthfulness of your claim – Often arguments are required to have evidence ▪ Creative Thinking – generating knowledge through the asking of questions and the seeking of solutions
Types of philosophy ▪ Metaphysics – the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the explanation of the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it. In other words, what is real? – Is reality objective or subjective? – What constitutes a person? – What is human nature? – What is an individual? What does “individual” mean? – What is God? Is God a part of the real world? ▪ Sometimes people may use the word “Ontology” to describe the same
Types of philosophy ▪ Ethics – the branch of philosophy that discusses the concepts of right and wrong. In other words, it is the study of how people ought to behave. – What is the “right” thing to do? – What is the “wrong” thing to do? – What are good and evil? – Who should decide what is good and evil? – Are good and evil universal or relative? ▪ Post-modern philosophers might suggest that our language determines ethics. For example, society deems it immoral to kill another person. However, it is not necessarily wrong to execute a convicted felon because we cease to call the person a “person”—they are a “felon.”
Types of philosophy ▪ Epistemology – the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of knowledge and belief. – What is knowledge? – How do we know what we know? – At what point would you say that you “know” something? – What is the difference between “truth” and “fact”? ▪ When you are a Jr./Sr., you will take Theory of Knowledge I and II. In these courses you learn that there are Ways of Knowing (the methods we use to acquire knowledge) and Areas of Knowledge (the things that we are acquiring).
Types of philosophy ▪ Aesthetics – the branch of philosophy that explores the notions of beauty and art. – What is beauty? – How do we determine if something is “art”? – What makes something beautiful rather than ugly?
Types of philosophy ▪ Post-Modern Philosophy – the branch of philosophy that criticizes traditional western notions of thought. Post-modernists critique the use of language, power, and the construction of the modern worldview of truth. – What is power? How do we define it? How does power influence your perceptions and actions? – What is truth? Does the acquisition of truth make you free or enslaved? – In what ways does language distort our perceptions? – Since language subverts itself (drifts), to what extent can language be used as a reliable form of communication?
More, more, more ▪ You-ology – Which branch interest you the most? Why? Write a 3-4 paragraph reflection on the type(s) of philosophy that you feel is: ▪ Most relevant to your life ▪ Most relevant to your peers ▪ Most relevant to the community/world