Networking Issues of Grid Infrastructures Proposition for a new structure and submission at GGF11 Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet CongDuc Pham INRIA RESO Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon France
Introduction Applications sometimes experience a quite different resource behavior than expected. Grids demand to stress the capabilities of the interconnecting network. Grid applications identify existing bottlenecks, either caused by conceptual or implementation specific problems, or missing service capabilities. Some of these issues are listed in the document.
Actual Content 2. Use Case Documents 3. End-Systems 4. IPv6 5. Routing 6. Access Domains 7. Transport Service Domains 8. General Issues 9. Macroscopic Traffic and System Considerations 10. Traffic Engineering 11. Security Considerations => How to improve the readability ?
Comments on content 2.Use cases document: => requirements 3. End-Systems => Transport oriented 4. IPv6 : very short but required (ref IPv6-WG) 5. Routing : clarify the goal (high availability?) 6. Access Domains: Very important things 7. Transport Service Domains : Perf control 8. General Issues : pot pourri! 9. Macroscopic Traffic: strange section 10. Traffic Engineering (cf 7?) 11. Security Considerations : important
Proposition Keep all the content, but condense some sections –many very interesting things –May be a very usefull document for both community (Net&Grid) Reorganize it and balance the sections –1) By functional area (what) (transport, routing, security, Qos) In each « area » structure –2) By layer (architectural approach) (how) –3) By geographical domains (where) In each « area » extract (as announced in summary) - long term research: functional issues - medium term research: conceptual - short term – engineering issues: operational issues Add goals and conclusions for each section Add a table to summarize the issues Organize the references by sections Add a glossary (lot of definitions can be put here: SLA,TE…)
1) By four problems Transport: –TCP (4.4), Mcast(9.4), end systems? API (4.1), OS (4.3) (16 pages) Routing: –routing(6) (2 pages) QoS –Transport service domain (8), MPLS(5.5), SLS TE…(5 pages) Security –Security consideration (12), access domain (7) (5 pages) Where to put sensors? Service?
1) By functional areas High Performance (transport) –TCP, end systems, implementation… Performance controllability (QoS) –Provisionning, load sharing, admission control –SLS, Advanced reservation, Transport service domain Security controllability (security) –Firewall, authentication, policy issues… High availability (Routing) Multicast (?)
3) By layers (HOW?) Application (API) Session (services) Transport (protocols) Network (forwarding) Physical (links)
4) By geographical domains (WHERE?) End Host: protocol implem, system perf, NICs… SAN : this section is missing LAN: Geth, wireless, sensors… Access : middleboxes… WAN: core related aspects
Eg. Transport Problems due to the applications Problems related to the end system Problems related to the TCP configuration Problems related to the TCP protocol Problems related to the network
Classify the issues « To highlight the severity of the problem » (Volker) « urgency/priority, relevance and generality » (Jon) functional issues (long term research): –what grid user whould like to do but cannot because the service does’nt exists(ex: e2e bandwidth reservation) conceptual issues (medium term research) –the service exists but does not behave correctly or is not designed for grid context –Adapt to grid context, find appropriate parameters operational issues (engineering issues) –grid user have to care on this hardware and implementation details if they want to obtain the available service
Future work Submit – a new edition at GGF11 and – a final document at GGF12 –start now –define the topics and the structure –Propose a draft in april