5 th Grade Music How the Orchestra Grew Lesson #19
Essential Question E.EU1.ES1-2. How and why do events impact styles and genres [of music]?
Objective Students will learn all information necessary to get the most benefit from attending an Orchestra Performance.
February 17, 2009, 11:45am Ferguson Center for the Arts
Unit Timeline Lesson #1: Introduction and “How the Orchestra Grew.” Lesson #2: How and Why the Orchestra Grew. Lesson #3: Historical Perspective.
Introduction Listen to the following orchestra excerpt… Play Audio Recording
Introduction The orchestra has evolved over the last 400 years. During each musical period, the orchestra has shown changes.
Musical Period Write the following for musical period in your portfolios. A musical period refers to a certain time in history when a certain kind of music was played.
Musical Period In order to understand “How the Orchestra Grew,” we have to understand how each period influenced music.
The Baroque Period Dates: Baroque (ba-roke) means “strange” or “excessive.” Music was more complex than the Renaissance Era, which was before the Baroque Era.
The Baroque Period Multiple melodies were used to harmonize other melodies. Composers used Soft/Loud and Fast/Slow to tell the story in their music. Secular (non-religious) music was becoming popular.
The Baroque Period The Orchestra and Opera were invented during this time.
George Frederic Handel George Frederic Handel was a Baroque Period Composer. Composed operas and oratorios.
George Frederic Handel Handel was born in Halle, Germany. He spent most of his life in England though.
The Classical Period Dates: Many changes occurred during the Classical Period. –Homophony (one melody with harmony) became popular.
The Classical Period Changes (ctd.) –New Instruments were added to the orchestra. –New types of songs and musical compositions were created to adapt to the new sounds.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart was a Classical Period Composer. Composed… –Piano sonata at 4 yrs. old –Opera at 12 yrs. Old –Symphonies
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. Travelled all over Europe and could speak 15 languages.
Ludwig van Beethoven Beethoven was also a Classical Period Composer. Played piano, organ, violin and was a composer.
Ludwig van Beethoven Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. He became deaf, but composed many pieces of music including his 9 th Symphony after being totally deaf.
The Romantic Period Dates: Reflected the social and political changes taking place all over the world. Composer showed much more creativity in this period.
The Romantic Period Melody became the dominant feature and was used to express Nationalism (loyalty to one’s country). Virtuosos (very skilled performances) became popular.
Edvard Grieg Grieg was a Romantic Period Composer. Most of his music was based on the sound of Norwegian Folk Songs.
Edvard Grieg Grieg was born in Bergen, Norway. His Music points to a musical picture of mountains, forests, and streams.
The Modern Period Dates: 1900 to Present Music is not as traditional in sound. Music was based on a different theory of music during the early 1900s.
The Romantic Period Popular music become dominant in the later 1900s. –Jazz, Rock and Roll and Country have became most popular. Technology and recorded music has made listening to music more popular than ever before.
Igor Stravinsky Stavinsky was a Modern Period Composer. Stavinsky’s music created a great change to the classical music of the 1900s.
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky was born in Oranienbaum, Russia. His piece, The Rite of Spring, cause a riot when it was first played in public.
Russell Peck born in 1945 Peck is a Modern Period Composer. Contributes to the classical and education repertoire of music.
Russell Peck born in 1945 Peck lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
John Williams born in 1932 Williams is a Modern Period Composer. Williams has composed music for close to 80 movies.
John Williams born in 1932 Williams was born in Long Island, New York, USA. Williams has several awards, including an Oscar and Grammy.
Homework Memorize all of the important information about the composers (birth and death dates, and countries of birth).
Essential Question E.EU1.ES1-2. How and why do events impact styles and genres [of music]?
5 th Grade Music How the Orchestra Grew Lesson #19