Ways to Prevent Disease By Beth Goodrum
5 Leading Causes of Death in the US Heart Disease Cancer Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease Stroke Unintentional Injuries (Up to 40)
Potentially Preventable Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death
10 Leading Causes of Preventable Death Worldwide Ischaemic Heart Disease Stroke COPD Lower Respiratory Infection Trachea, Bronchus, Lung Disease HIV/AID Diarrhoeal Disease Diabetes Mellitus Road Injury Hypertensive (The top 10)
Potentially Preventable Causes of Death in the World
Comparing Causes of Preventable Disease in US and Worldwide Tobacco use is the cause of 1 and 10 deaths worldwide. Severe poverty is also a root cause (leads to malnutrition) Vaccinations being unavailable Diet and exercise, Obesity Excessive alcohol consumption (The Power of)
Ways to Prevent Disease Good nutrition can help lower risk for many chronic diseases Stop tobacco use Limit Excessive alcohol consumption Diet and Exercise Regular screening such as mammograms, colonoscopies, lipid profiles and blood pressure checks (The Power of)
7 Dimensions of Wellness Physical Intellectual Emotional Social Spiritual Environmental Occupational
Physical Dimension Functional operation of the body Muscular strength Muscular endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance Flexibility and Body Composition Dental checkups, Medical checkups and Proper use of Medication (Understand Wellness)
Intellectual Dimensions Mind use Intellectual Growth Knowledge (Understand Wellness)
Emotional Dimensions Includes 3 Areas Awareness – The ability to recognize your feelings as well as the feelings of others Acceptance – Understanding the normality of human emotions, in addition to assessing your personal abilities and limitations Management – Is the ability to control or cope with personal feelings and knowing how to seek support if needed (Understand Wellness)
Social Dimensions Ability to interact with others You achieve social wellness when you feel a genuine sense of belonging to a social unit. F eelings of connection can yield positive health benefits Studies have shown the power of supportive relationships in reducing the risk, frequency, and severity of illness Social wellness also involves concern for humanity as a whole (Understand Wellness)
Spiritual Dimensions The personal search for the direction and meaning in life Identify a creator, a God or a specific religion Strong connection between spirituality and self-esteem Spirituality does not “happen.” It is a process of growth requiring time and attention Medicine has begun to recognize the strong influence of spirituality on health and illness (Understand Wellness)
Environmental Dimension We have basic biological needs that include safe air, water, and food Recycling, carpooling, and conserving electricity show positive involvement in the environmental dimension of wellness. Demonstrating a commitment to the protection of wildlife and plants is also a component of environmental wellness (Understand Wellness)
Occupational Dimension Important that your chosen career provide the internal and external rewards you value Involves maintaining a satisfying balance between work time and leisure time Work environment that minimizes stress and exposure to physical health hazards (Understand Wellness)
Factors affecting growth in wellness
References CDC, (2009), The Power of Prevention, Retrieved from: Social Determinants of Health, (April, 2016), Retrieved from: The top 10 causes of death. (2014, May). Retrieved from Understanding Wellness, (April, 2016), Retrieved from: file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/SampleChapter01.pdf Up to 40 percent of annual deaths from each of five leading US causes are preventable, (April, 2016), Retrieved from: