Early Baroque( ) Middle Baroque( ) Late Baroque ( )
FANCY- the term used to describe the Baroque Period 2.Music was changed so that it had the effect of sounding fancy. a. Trill -a fast wobble of one note shared with the note above it b. Turn- sounds like the wave of an ocean c. Appoggiatura- a little note before the main note to be sung 3.Famous composers consisted of Vivaldi, Bach and Handel 4.Orchestra’s consisted of string instruments and the harpsichord. 5.Harpsichord was considered the conductor of the orchestra. The harpsichord was always placed center stage. 6.During the Baroque Period, women were not allowed to play in the orchestra. Fancy Facts…
Composers… Vivaldi -famous for writing a piece known as The Four Seasons Handel- famous for writing The Messiah -The Hallelujah Chorus U U Bach -master of writing fugues (like a round/musical puzzle) A A
1. The beginning of Opera started during the Baroque Period. 2.People were either really wealthy or really poor (no middle class) 3.Lifestyles became more elaborate (fancy) 4.Rise in drama, theater, painting, architecture, and music entertainment 5. Bach had 20 children, 5 of which became musicians. 6. Wigs were popular among the men. 7. Scented purses were carried by men and women due to the lack of bathing throughout the society. Other Fun Facts…
What made the Baroque Period so unique? What word describes the Baroque period?