__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. INDEX Slide 1Title Slide Slide 2Index Slide 3Bio-Fuel Slide 4Bio-Fuel Technologies Slide 5Bio-Fuel Products Slide 6Carbon Neutral Slide 7Biomass and Bio-Gas Slide 8For more information….
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Bio-Fuel Bio-Fuel can be a solid, liquid or gaseous fuel that is obtained from living or “relatively recently” dead biological material. This is different from fossil fuels which are derived from long dead biological material. The source of Bio-Fuel is generally referred to as Biomass which is defined as any material that can be obtained from a growing, living or recently dead biological organism. This can include wood from trees, husks from corn, grass, waste from humans and animals etc. Biomass can be used as fuel or can be converted into a a different form of fuel using one of many “Bio-Fuel Technologies”
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Bio-Fuel Technologies Bio-Fuel Technologies can be used to extract energy from biomass material or to convert biomass material into a different form which can be used more conveniently as an energy source or other product. Bio-Fuel Technologies include: Solid Fuel Combustion – Direct burning of biomass material to produce heat. Co-Firing – Adding biomass material to coal to make a cleaner fuel. Fermentation – Yeasts convert starches and sugars in biomass material to ethanol. Digestion – Bacterial interactions with biomass in a non-oxygen environment can release methane. Lipid Oil Extraction – Lipid oil that is squeezed from biomass can be used to make bio-diesel and other “transportation” fuels. Gasification – Subjecting biomass material to a high heat with very little oxygen can produce a gaseous fuel called syn-gas (a mixture of Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide). Pyrolysis – Subjecting biomass to high heat very rapidly can produce pyrolysis oil, phenol oil and charcoal or E-Coal.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Using the appropriate Bio-Fuel Technology, biomass material can be converted into many different products. Some of these you would never guess – such as fragrances from cow manure!! Bio-Fuel Products include: Ethanol Bio-diesel Plastics Food Additives Animal Bedding Adhesives Fragrances Electric Power Fertilizer Synthetic Natural Gas (Syn-gas) Bio-Fuel Products Bio-Oil BIOBUS
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Carbon Neutral O2O2 Pyrolysis Solid Fuel Combustion Co-firing Fermentation Gasification Digestion (BIOFUEL) (CO 2 ) When Bio-Fuels are used Carbon Dioxide ( CO 2 ) is generally given off. This is relatively recently absorbed Carbon Dioxide and is not considered to add to the Carbon Dioxide already in the atmosphere. Bio-Fuels are therefore considered to be “Carbon Neutral”
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Biomass and Bio-Gas Biomass can be used in many different ways to produce heat and electricity, or it can be converted into transportation fuels and other useful products. One such product is Bio-Gas, a methane rich gas that can be used in similar ways to natural gas. Although Bio-Gas is derived from Biomass, its similarity to natural gas warrants its individual treatment in these education modules, separate from Biomass.
__________________________ © Cactus Moon Education, LLC. Cactus Moon Education, LLC. For more information on Biomass and Bio-Gas technologies please see: Energy from Plants and Animals Biomass Technologies Education Module and Energy from Plants and Animals Bio-Gas Technologies Education module