Cat Husbandry Rural Skills: Test Yourself by clicking on what you think is the correct answer. Use the green buttons on the answer slides to move forward.
When would you put this sign out when working in the cattery? When you are washing the floorsWhen you are washing the floors When you are preparing foodWhen you are preparing food When you are locking up for the nightWhen you are locking up for the night When you are grooming the catsWhen you are grooming the cats
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Correct answer!
Which of the following statements is true? Most cats are Pedigree SiameseMost cats are Pedigree Siamese Most cats are domestic longhairsMost cats are domestic longhairs Most cats are domestic shorthairsMost cats are domestic shorthairs Most cats are Pedigree PersiansMost cats are Pedigree Persians
Correct answer!
What breed of cat is shown here? Border Terrier Persian Devon Rex Siamese
Correct answer!
What sex is this cat? Tomcat Neutered tomcat Queen Cannot tell
Correct answer!
What life stage do you think these cats are in? Pregnant Lactating Adult Adolescent Old
Correct answer!
What are the yellow plastic boxes in this picture? Litter trays Food containers Scratching posts Heat pads
Correct answer!
Which of the following would NOT likely to be carried out in a daily cattery routine? cleaning the litter trays and putting new litter back into themcleaning the litter trays and putting new litter back into them correctly disposing of the cat wastecorrectly disposing of the cat waste preparing disinfectant to wash down the cattery unitspreparing disinfectant to wash down the cattery units None of the above
Correct answer!
Which of the following statements are true? Cats must have meat in their dietCats must have meat in their diet Cats must have dried foodCats must have dried food Cats must eat vegetables onlyCats must eat vegetables only Cats must eat tinned food onlyCats must eat tinned food only
Correct answer!
What is a feral cat? A breed of cat with a long black tailA breed of cat with a long black tail A cat that has been neuteredA cat that has been neutered A cat that lives free and has no ownerA cat that lives free and has no owner A truly wild cat
Correct answer!
Which of the following would be an appropriate bedding material for a cat? Straw Acrylic blankets Plastic sheeting Cat litter
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