oConsciousness oWilliam James oNormal waking consciousness oIntrospection oStream of consciousness oSubconscious processes oPreconscious oUnconscious oNonconscious oFreudian slips o Limited capacity o Selective attention o Cocktail party phenomenon o Shadowing oMonism /dualism Foldable 15 flaps Total – cut to fit into NB
Consciousness a construct sum total of all external stimuli & internal mental events of which we are aware at any given time
William James 1st to study consciousness
Normal waking consciousness everyday experiences
Introspection describing mental state failed because reports weren’t valid & different reports at same stimulus Ex = 4
Stream of consciousness flow of awareness like a Christmas tree Ex. Sit for 1 minute Ex. Reading a page in a book
Subconscious processes mental or behavioral activities that take place outside of conscious awareness like an iceberg
Preconscious brought into awareness by paying attention to them How did you get to school today?
Unconscious permanently unavailable to conscious revealed through hypnosis???
Nonconscious Can never become conscious Ex. Hair and nails growing, neurons firing
Freudian slips errors of language Please excuse Gloria. She has been sick and under the doctor. My son is under the doctor’s care and should not take PE. Please execute him. Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father’s fault. Mary Ann was absent 12/11-15 because she had a fever, sore throat, headache, and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, and her brother had a low-grade fever. I wasn’t the best either; sore throat and fever. There must be something going around; her father even got hot last night.
Limited capacity can process only so much at one time argument for cell phones while driving
Selective attention limits amount of information; noises in room ADD tends not to limit In performing an experiment like this one on man attention car it house is boy critically hat important shoe that candy the old material horse that tree is shoe being phone read cow by book the hot subject tape for pin the stand relevant view task sky be red cohesive man and car grammatically house complete boy but hat without shoe either candy being old so horse easy tree that shoe full candy attention old is horse not tree required shoe in phone order cow to book read hot it tape nor pin too stand difficult.
Cocktail party phenomenon talking at a party
Shadowing repeat 1 message from 2
Monism /dualism Are mind and body same or separate?
Other States of Consciousness Sleep & Dreaming Sleep Altered Hypnosis, Meditation, Biofeedback Unconscious does affect conscious!