© Bicester Heritage 2016
An automotive hub for skills and enterprise, founded in 2013, celebrating our third anniversary this month. A focal point for a £4.3bn per annum sector that employs 28,000 people A unique ecosystem of 35 best-of-breed businesses, with a collective turnover of £20m + and growing. Based on a 348 acre site of national importance, the former RAF Bicester, the best preserved WW2 Bomber Station in the UK A modern take on a business campus: clear focus providing synergies and maximising the customer experience. ‘There is no reason Bicester Heritage can’t become the global hub in heritage cars and planes – bringing talent, enthusiasm and business sense together. They apply a start-up hub attitude to the classic car business – an inspiring idea becoming reality.’ Matthew Hancock MP, Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills on visiting Bicester Heritage in B ICESTER H ERITAGE – A C ENTRE OF E XCELLENCE © Bicester Heritage 2016
WHY BICESTER? © Bicester Heritage 2016 Bicester has a vision and the drive to deliver it. An entrepreneurial and friendly ‘can-do’ environment, perfect for application of a well engineered business plan. The same reason as the Romans, military and the RAF – unbeatable, central location within the UK. Property: unique ex-MOD site opportunity, planning support. Bicester is a global brand: accelerated business recognition through a known location. Informed stake-holders, including Bicester Vision, Historic England, Parish Councils, Cherwell District Council, Oxfordshire County Council and Westminster. ‘Heaven – also known as Bicester Heritage. With people as passionate and as welcoming as this, it’s impossible to feel out of place.’ Nat Twiss, Petrolicious, April 2016
B ICESTER – A S UPPORTIVE E NVIRONMENT © Bicester Heritage 2016 An on-the-move, energetic location, 90 minutes from 30 million people and five international airports. The national awareness of Bicester has enabled easy access to media connections and press attention. Ease of specialist recruitment from an area of skills excellence, housing opportunities and domestic and transport infrastructure. The ability to successfully network with well established businesses through Bicester Vision. “The turnaround for the time-capsule airbase dating to the Twenties has been spectacular. Tumbledown war department buildings have been lovingly restored, tree-lined roads reinstated and more than 30 companies specialising in the restoration or sale of historic vehicles and aircraft have moved in to create a thriving heritage village.” The Evening Standard, 31 st March 2016.
© Bicester Heritage 2016 B ICESTER H ERITAGE ’ S V ISION To create a new visitor-economy offering in Bicester. Promote a new vision on the maximisation of Heritage assets. To develop significant new hotel and conference facilities, to serve Bicester & beyond. Create the UK’s first permanent Historic Motor Show. Create a large and flexible events space, unlike anything else this side of Oxford Develop our existing events further: experiences and entertainment.
T HE H ISTORIC V EHICLE R ESTORATION A PPRENTICESHIP S CHEME The foundation of the UK’s first accredited historic vehicle restoration apprenticeship scheme, in conjunction with Banbury & Bicester College. Moving to the former ‘Engine Test House’ at Bicester Heritage. Apprenticeship scheme will run in close proximity to future employers and customers. Work experience opportunities within a matter of yards from the course workshop. Future-proofing a growing industry by encouraging the next generation of skilled master craftsmen. Encouraging much needed knowledge transfer in a unique environment. © Bicester Heritage 2016
Building 92 - The Parachute Store Buckingham Road Bicester Oxon OX27 8AL +44 (0) © Bicester Heritage 2016