printed by Nursing Workforce Diversity Project ESL: Enhancing Student Learning for ESL Nursing Students Mary Powell, PhD, CRNP 1, Barbara Hoerst, PhD, RN 2, Gloria Kersey-Matusiak, PhD, RN 3, Lyn Buchheit, MS, RN 1,4, Terry McGee, MA 1, Alexis Marsella, BA 1 Thomas Jefferson University 1 LaSalle University 2 Holy Family University 3 Community College of Philadelphia, 4 Multicultural nursing work force needed to meet healthcare needs of multicultural population Nursing students who use English as a second language (ESL) are becoming a significant population (doubled since 1980) In nursing programs 84% of nursing students with academic failure are those for whom English is not their first language ESL students experience several unique difficulties influencing academic success: Socializing to American culture concurrently with beginning nursing study Greater rates of anxiety & depression Language development Differing classroom expectations Increased fear of failure Increased shame Incumbent on nursing programs to consider these factors and to provide support Support needs often outweigh resources Nurse educators feel at a loss as to help these students achieve educational goals “ It's a great opportunity being able to talk to people who understand how we feel and have been where we are now.” “It's very helpful and I feel more confident about talking and coordinating with other people as well as experienced nurses.” “It was a really good program to increase your confidence and to know there is someone to help you and not criticize you when you need help.” “This meeting has really encouraged me not to give up my vision.” Mmm mmm Abriam-Yago, K.,.Y,oder, M., & Kataoka-Yahiro, M. (1999). The Cummins Model: a framework for teaching nursing students for whom English is a second language. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 10(2): Choi, L.L. (2005). Literature review; issues surrounding education of English-as-a-second language (ESL) nursing students. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 16(3): Malu, K.F., & Figlear, M.R. (1998). Enhancing the language development of immigrant ESL nursing students: a case study with recommendations for action. Nurse Educator 23(2):43. Jalili-Grenier, F., & Chase, M.M. (1997). Retention of nursing students with English as a second language Journal of Advanced Nursing 25(1): Klisch, M. (2000). Retention strategies for ESL students. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health 6(1): Introduction Primary Objectives Student Workshop Feedback Selected References Increase the academic success of baccalaureate nursing students for whom English is not the primary language Facilitate their progress through graduation and NCLEX in order to enhance the diversity of the nursing workforce. Generate faculty development activities to continue to promote cultural sensitivity and competence in working with ESL students Student Workshops Oral Communication Non-verbal Communication Writing skills Listening skills Test-taking skills Clinical discourse Case presentations Peer Mentoring Faculty Workshops Consortium of Schools of Nursing Maximize Resources Methods Student Workshop November 2007 Student Mentors