Wild Land Fire Ecology Kaylene Maize
Fire Management History Full Fire suppression introduced after the fires of 1910 Fire was not allowed to burn, it was extinguished immediately Today fire is seen as a natural and important role in a healthily ecosystem
An Ecosystem Perspective on Fire Long-term goal: minimize destructive elements of fire while maximizing its benefits. Prescribed fire is used to control unwanted plant species and to promote growth
How to Prevent Fires! Fuel treatment: Isolation Removal Rearrangement Fuel distribution: Ground fuel Areal Fuel Surface fuel Crown fires
Smokey the Bear Educational programs can reduce the occurrence of unwanted fires School programs 4-H Boy Scouts/girl scouts Media announcements
Wildfire Suppression U.S. Forest Service strategy is to “confine, contain and control.” Fire attack Direct- to build a control line at or close to the leading edge of a fire Indirect- building the control line some distance from the fire’s leading edge. Use in large rapidly spreading fires
The Fire Triangle
Fire Behavior Fire begins with ignition Fuel- Moisture, continuity and arrangement Weather- temperature, wind and relative humidity Topography- Aspect, slope and elevation
Fire Regime Components: Time: Frequency Seasonality Fire: Size Intensity Classes: Understory Stand replacement Mixed severity Non-Fire www. century21-condesa.com
Major Fuel Types Grass Shrubs Timber Slash
Job Opportunities in Fire Ecology Wild land Fire fighters Smoke Jumpers Fire engineer Fuels management Hot shot crews fire.lacounty.gov