I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ? 1
I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. Can’t you ? 2
Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ? 3
When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly. 4
listen to a tale and write out phrasal verbs; classify phrasal verbs and find out their definitions; learn more phrasal verbs; 7
... got together... were getting on …get away … get over …get back …got along with …got off 8
get back- return, usually to your home get down to doing smth -begin doing smth seriously get by-manage to continue the way of life get оn with somebody- have a friendly relationship with someone get to-arrive somewhere get into trouble- have problems get across-to explain smth. 9
get round to doing smth- find time to do something get up-wake up and leave one's bed get off- leave a bus, atrain or a horse get over-feel well again after an illness or difficult situation get together-meet for a talk get ahead -to have a success in one’s career 10
1. It took him ages to get his point of view across. 2. Get me up at seven, would you ? 3. Don’s pretty upset but he’ll get over it. 4. She soon found that it wasn’t easy to get ahead in the movie business. 5. He got on a wrong bus and soon had to get off it. A) to have a success in one’s career B) to feel well again after an illness or difficult situation C) to take or leave a bus/train, etc. D) to explain smth, succeed in communica- ting ideas E) to wake up and leave one’s bed 11
I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ? I have very little money ! How can I get by on it ? 12
work / relationship / arrival / life work relationship arrival life get down, get round get on with, get at get to, get back get by, get into trouble
I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never find any time. I’ve always wanted to start learning Japanese but can never get round to it. 13
Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ? Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ? 14
When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly. When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who we’ve always got on well with, began getting at me. 15
Match the beginnings of the following sentences with their endings: 1. They lost their way and didn’t get 2. He has to get 3. Liza got 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I‘ve never got 6. As a teenager, Joey often got 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get 8. My wife has never got 9. Unfortunately, I got A) back from Japan. B) on a wrong bus and was late for work. C) into trouble with the police. D) on with my mother – they’re always arguing. E) over it. F) on with his sister. G) up and made a cup of tea for her guest. H) up at five a.m. every morning. I) to the hotel until after dark. 16
1. They lost their way and didn’t get to the hotel until after dark. 2. He has to get up at five a.m. every morning. 3. Liza got up and made a cup of tea for her guest. 4. Have you seen the Browns ? They just got back from Japan. 5. We’re friends with Tom, but I‘ve never got on with his sister. 6. As a teenager, Joey often got into trouble with the police. 7. I had such a bad cold last winter, it took me two weeks to get over it. 8. My wife has never got on with my mother – they’re always arguing. 9. Unfortunately, I got on a wrong bus and was late for work. 17
What would you do if … 1. …you were feeling angry about something? 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ? 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ? 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ? 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ? 6. …you were late for a test ? 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ? A) I’d get back. B) I’d get down to it at once. C) I’d get over it. D) I’d get my idea across. E) I’d try to get on with them. F) I’d get by. G) I’d get ahead. 18
1. …you were feeling angry about something? C) I’d get over it. 2. …you had difficulty dealing with some teachers at school ? E) I’d try to get on with them. 3. …you had spent too much time away from home ? A) I’d get back. 4. …you didn’t have enough pocket money ? F) I’d get by. 5. …you put a lot of effort into your career ? G) I’d get ahead. 6. …you were late for a test ? B) I’d get down to it at once. 7. …your friend couldn’t understand you ? D) I’d get my idea across. 19
Ask your partner the following questions: When was the last time you got over the illness ? Which friend do you get on with best ? What school subjects are you not very good at but you get by ? Who usually gets at you at home when you get bad marks ? What do you want to get across to your parents to get on well with them ? What activities have you always wanted to get down to but never got round ? What work or business would you like to get down to after finishing school ? 20
listened to a tale and written out phrasal verbs; classified phrasal verbs and found out their definitions; learnt more phrasal verbs; 21