We want our staff to involve carers and to see it as part of their role. Carers are vital partners in the NHS. They are also people who have their own needs and lives to live. We want carers to have a better experience in our Trust, have better health and lives and feel more able to care feeling supported, valued and involved. Ruth Hawkins Chief Executive Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 1
Because I haven’t got a visible illness it makes it hard for people to see that support is needed, I guess Mum 2
The biggest problem that my children face is that they are often overlooked when it comes to service support Mum 3
I don’t know what to expect when I get home. I don’t really know what a young carer is like….I don’t know Young Carer Age 8 4
When Mummy is unwell it’s a bit upsetting and it’s not very nice to see because no-one likes to see anyone upset and we try our best to help her and do what we can to make her feel better Young Carer Age 13 5
And for me who cares for my Grandson, ever since he was five, it has really taken a part of my life away Rosella 6
When my son was diagnosed I would have liked staff to have helped signpost us to a place that we could get support for him Rachel 7
The thing for me about becoming a carer was the extreme loneliness and I think if staff understood that lonely situation and just said ‘hello’ it would make things so much easier Geoff 8
Listen to carers and understand what their stories are and what their needs are Trevor
Deaf people need interpreters, recognise that we are deaf but we are equal to hearing people and not to be treated differently Howard & Jaqueline 10
Deaf people would like plain English we find it difficult with long words or jargon Howard & Jaqueline 11
12 Being a carer has impacted on my life as much as my grandson became ill at the same time that I retired so my retirement has not been what I expected it would be Ann
I’m a member of Trust staff I cared for my Dad who had cancer I’m a member of Trust staff. I’m a carer for my Mum who has dementia 13
I want every member of staff to work with carers, families and friends. Ruth Hawkins Chief Executive Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust