AED 204 AID The learning interface/aed204aiddotcom.


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Presentation transcript:

AED 204 AID The learning interface/aed204aiddotcom

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT AED 204 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 AED 204 Week 1 CheckPoint Top Ten Characteristics of a Multicultural School AED 204 Week 2 CheckPoint Differences in Socioeconomic Status AED 204 Week 2 Assignment Educational Implications of Socioeconomic Status (Appendix D) AED 204 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 AED 204 Week 3 CheckPoint Personal Statement AED 204 Week 4 CheckPoint Sexual Harassment Scenario AED 204 Week 4 Assignment Debunking Gender Misconceptions AED 204 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 AED 204 Week 5 CheckPoint Equal Inclusion Case Law AED 204 Week 6 CheckPoint The First Amendment and its Impact on Education AED 204 Week 6 Assignment Religious ImpactMatrix AED 204 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 1 CheckPoint Top Ten Characteristics of a Multicultural School FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Top Ten Characteristics of a Multicultural School Environment Resource: Ch. 1 of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] Use the lists on p. 7 of the text to create a list of the top ten characteristics of a multicultural school environment. Rank the characteristics in order from most important to least important. Provide a 100- to 150-word justification for your rankings. Post your attachment.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum] Post your response to the following: Other than the obvious obstacles of prejudice and discrimination (such as, boys getting more attention than girls; minorities in poor schools; and so forth), name two other factors that have the potential to prevent equality in education. Elaborate on the two you choose. Discussion Question 2 Resources: Pages of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society and Appendixes B and C Due Date: Day 4 [post to the Main forum] Post your response to the following: Use the directions in Appendix B to complete the Cultural Identity Pie Chart template in Appendix C. What does this chart tell others about your identity? Respond to the similarities and differences between your pie chart and the pie chart of your classmates.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 2 Assignment Educational Implications of Socioeconomic Status (Appendix D) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Educational Implications of Socioeconomic Status Matrix Resources: Appendix D and Ch. 2 of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum Use the information provided in Ch. 2 of the text to determine the potential impact of socioeconomic status on education in the following areas: teacher expectations, student tracking, equal representation in the curriculum, and financial support for schools. Complete the following: Record relevant information in Appendix D. Determine what this matrix says about educational equality. Summarize your conclusions in a 350- to 500-word statement to be included at the end of the matrix.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 2 CheckPoint Differences in Socioeconomic Status FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Differences in Socioeconomic Status Resource: Page 53 of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Read the Differences in Socioeconomic Status section on p. 53 of the text. Write a 350- to 500-word response addressing the following points: List three social factors that most impact the scenario. Justify your answer with an example from the scenario for each selected factor. Conclude by suggesting a viable solution to the scenario. Post your response.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 3 CheckPoint Personal Statement FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Personal Statement Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Write a 350- to 500-word statement that reflects on how your ethnicity influences your personalbehavior, attitudes, and values. Post your statement.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum Post your response to the following: Based on the reading in Ch. 3 of the text, what factors do you think most contributed to the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954)? How does this decision continue to impact education today? Discussion Question 2 Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum Post your response to the following: Read the opening scenario on pp of the text. How would you resolve this situation? What strategies would you use to incorporate tolerance and sensitivity toward the ethnic values in Ms. Williams’ classroom?

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 4 Assignment Debunking Gender Misconceptions FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Debunking Gender Misconceptions Resource: Appendix E Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum Consider that there are many gender misconceptions in education. For example, some people believe that boys are more suited for and more interested in math and science. Think about other stereotypes that exist related to gender. How do these stereotypes and misconceptions impact education in the United States? What are your beliefs regarding ability differences between males and females in general and in education? What evidence can you present to validate your viewpoint? Also consider the existing laws that are meant to guarantee equal treatment in education for girls and boys.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 4 CheckPoint Sexual Harassment Scenario FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Sexual Harassment Scenario Resource: Pages of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Read the sexual harassment section on pp and the scenario at the top of p. 162 of the text. Answer the questions that follow the scenario at the top of p Post your answers.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 5 CheckPoint Equal Inclusion Case Law FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Equal Inclusion Case Law Resource: Pages of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum List each of the cases and laws affecting the equal inclusion of students with disabilities from pp of the text. Explain, in no more than 150 words per law, what requirements each law places on educators in their classrooms. Post your response. AED 204 Diversity in the Classroom

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum Post your response to the following: What are some factors that contribute to the disproportional representation of minority students in special education classes? Explain your answer. Discussion Question 2 Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum Post your response to the following: Read the scenario on pp of the text. Imagine you are in Riley's shoes and how full of special needs students would impact the other students as well as the incoming special needs students. Then answer question 1 at the top of p. 178.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 6 Assignment Religious ImpactMatrix FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Religious Impact Matrix Resources: Appendix F; Electronic Reserve Readings for Week 5, located on the student web page; and the Compare Worldviews Web page at Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum Complete the following: Assume you are on the school board of your local school district and you are tasked with the job of strategic planning for issues facing your district. Complete the matrix in Appendix F to determine the potential response from each of the religious groups in your community. Use the attached links in Appendix F to research the basic moral and ethical principles believed by each group. Determine how you believe each group would react to the issue based on what you find.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 6 CheckPoint The First Amendment and its Impact on Education FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: The First Amendment and its Impact on Education Resource: Electronic Reserve Readings for Week 5, located on the student web page Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum List five key educational issues related to the First Amendment from your reading. Briefly describe how each issue impacts the classroom. Post your response.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 7 CheckPoint Legal and Ethical Issues Confronting the Educat FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Legal and Ethical Issues Confronting the Education of English Language Learners Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Consider that in recent years several states have abandoned bilingual education, but advocacy groups have argued that something must be done to help English Language Learners master necessary competencies. Complete an Internet search to find at least two instances of conflicts between the legal and ethical issues confronting the education of English Language Learners. For example, some states have ceased funding for bilingual education and may not instruct the ELL students in their native languages. However, the issue still remains that the schools are responsible for instructing ELL students and those students have to learn English in order

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discussion Question 1 Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum Post your response to the following questions: How should a student's language development affect the way instruction and assessments are designed? Why? Discussion Question 2 Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum Post your response to the following: Imagine that you teach in a large, linguistically diverse school district where nearly 20 different languages are spoken. How might this degree of language diversity impact your classroom, your school, and your district?

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 8 Assignment Creating an At-Risk Program FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Assignment: Creating an At-Risk Program Resources: Ch. 8 of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society and Appendix E Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum Imagine that you have been asked to serve on the advisory board for a new, alternative school program in your school district. The advisory board must specify the factors that will be considered in determining which students qualify for the program and they must create a plan that can be presented to the school board for approval and potential implementation at the beginning of the school year two years from now. Create a plan for identifying potential students for the new at-risk program by completing the following points: Consider the following question in your plan: Because you do not have the resources to serve an entire at-risk population, how will you focus your resources to create the greatest impact for your community?

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 8 CheckPoint Identifying Signs of Abuse, Drug Use, and Suicidal FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Identifying Signs of Abuse, Drug Use, and Suicidal Tendencies in Students Resource: Ch. 8 of Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum Complete the following points: Find reputable Web sites on the Internet that list signs to look for when children and adolescents are being abused, using drugs, and have suicidal tendencies. Create a list of key signs that can signify to an educator that a student is potentially being abused, using drugs, or having suicidal tendencies. Provide a brief 100- to 150-word explanation of what you would do if you saw these signs in your students. Include an APA citation for each Web site used. Post your list and explanation.

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 9 Capstone DQ FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Capstone Discussion Question Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum Post 350- to 500-word response to the following: You have the ability to choose three or four books for your students. Based on what you have learned in this course, how can you assess the level of bias and stereotypes in the contents of these texts? What are your criteria? Is there a level of bias you feel is acceptable? If so, how can that be addressed with your students?

AED 204 AID The learning interface AED 204 Week 9 Final Project Creating a Plan for a Culturally Diverse FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Final Project: Creating a Plan for a Culturally Diverse Classroom Resources: Appendix A and all reading assignments for the course Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum Consider that each person in the education profession should continually add items to his or her professional portfolio to represent his or her educational philosophy and beliefs. Often, paraprofessional educators forget that the atmosphere of the classroom is as important as the instructional content being delivered to the students. It is your responsibility to support the rules for student behavior and interaction. For the final project, create a plan for addressing the needs and issues in a multicultural classroom to add to your portfolio. Summarize your multicultural plan in a paper of 1,050 to 1,400 words, by addressing the following points:

AED 204 AID The learning interface