The Big Interview Ieshia L. Charles-Ifejii EDU 650: Teaching Learning and Learning in the 21st Century Instructor: Jackie Kyger August 23, 2015
Introduction Good Afternoon, My name is Ieshia L Charles-Ifeji. I am a 2008 graduate of Bowie State University with a Bachelors in Sociology/Criminal Justice. In addition, I received my Masters in Educational Technology in 2012 from Staryer University. I’m currently pursuing another Masters of Arts in English Language Learners from Ashford University.
Position Applying For: Elementary/Secondary English Language Learner/ ESOL Teacher Goal: Conduct English proficiency testing, monitor student progress in academic and language growth Select, offer and teach appropriate ESL course offerings from the District/County ESL course descriptions based on student data. Teach appropriate levels of English language development (ELD) courses to ELLs from diverse language and cultural backgrounds. Provide language instruction in the four domains of English language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Philosophy of Education “Our job is to teach the students we have. Not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them.”~ Dr. Kevin Maxwell
Philosophy of Education My philosophy of teaching believes that the fundamental goal of teaching is to foster education so that my students may become productive, successful members of society. Although everyone is capable of learning, there are several factors that may influence or hinder students learning. Studies have shown there’s a link between low achievement and those students that have a low socioeconomic status. However, it is my philosophy that if students are given the right conditions, supplies, even teacher that EVERY student will have the opportunity to succeed.
Classroom Management Plan Two Important GoalsTeacher and Student Role Goal 1: Create a positive and productive learning environment. Successful classroom management allows the teacher to grasp and keep the students attention, interest, involvement and motivation. In addition, the teacher can focus on activities that create a positive, productive environment conducive to learning. Goal 2: Support and foster a safe classroom environment. This means making sure that all students feel comfortable enough to have a classroom discussion without the fear of being ridiculed for their opinions. However, in order for students to feel comfortable enough to get involved in a classroom discussion, the teacher must have fair and specific rules and routines that will give the students structure.. Student: to comply with the teacher and classroom expectations. In addition, students should have respect for themselves, and others in the classroom and meet all other academic expectations that are required. Teacher: Formulate the class management plan to facilitate an environment conducive to learning. To be well planned and organized, motivating and communicating with students In addition, be a positive role model that creates an exciting learning environment for all students
Effective lesson planning/design and the students role An effective lesson allows the students to think, interact, ask questions, tap into their background knowledge, and build new skills based on content being presented Important Elements of Effective Lesson Design: Objectives and Goals Anticipatory Set Direct Instruction Guided Practice Closure Independent Practice Follow up Lesson/Activities Assessment/Evaluation
Why are Learning Objectives Critical to Planning Effective Instruction? Teachers focus on individual content instead of teaching straight from the book Lesson Planning with the “end in mind” Describe learning outcomes Student –oriented objectives that focus on the learner and not the teacher Observable Focus on student performance
Assessments are the primary force that shapes what and how our students will learn. It is the means by which we, as academics, teachers and educators, judge students' achievements; and ultimately forms the basis by which we award a qualification. It matters because if we get it wrong, it can be catastrophic for the lives and careers of our students!
Types of Assessments FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTSSUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Formative assessments are able to show if the students are grasping the material being taught to them while the lesson is still going on Summative assessments are only given after the complete lesson has been taught.
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES (PLC) An ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve. Professional learning communities operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous job-embedded learning for educators. Life long Learners
References Evertson, C. M., Emmer, E. T., & Worsham, M. E. (2003). Classroom management for elementary teachers (6th ed.). Newman, R. (2013)..Teaching and learning in the 21 st century:Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: BridgepointEducation,Inc. Peterson, E., & Siadat, M. V. (2009). Combination of formative and summative assessment instruments in elementary algebra classes: A prescription for success. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 16(2),