Урок открытия новых знаний Тема: «Школьные правила» “Enjoy English” ” М.З. Биболетовой. 7 класс Учитель Петренко Г.А. МБОУ «СОШ №143» Г. Красноярск
The aim of the lesson is to write to learn how to write to make up to formulate to learn the composition in English school rules in English a story about school a poem
The aim of the lesson is to learn how to write school rules in English
The objectives of the lesson are to learn grammar rules to look up words in the dictionaries to write a dictation to write a composition to learn the meaning of the words to discuss Bart`s stories To make up sentences to learn grammar rules to look up words in the dictionaries to write a dictation to write a composition to learn the meaning of the words to discuss Bart`s stories To make up sentences
The objectives of the lesson are to learn grammar rules to look up words in the dictionaries to learn the meaning of the words
Task 1 Work with the programme Find out the most commonly used verbs in the school rules and regulations
meanings type of verbs grammar peculiarities
Task 2 Work in groups to find out the questions: 1 group: What type of verbs are should and must? 2group: What are the grammar peculiarities of modal verbs? 3 group: What are the meaning of the verbs must and should?
Task 3 Exchange the information and fill in the map
Must should advice; opinion ; law; rule; duty ; -only with a main verb; -no endings; -no tense forms; -?? without help; Modal verbs express attitude to actions
Choose the correct sentences: 1. You must to come in time to school. 2. They should keep clean their classrooms. 3. Do you must wear your school uniform? 4. You must not bring chewing gum to school. Task 4
Task 5 Correct answers: 1b 2h 3i 4f 5c 6a 7g 8d 9e
Task 6 Help Lisa make up the rules for Bart
Help Lisa make up the rules for Bart
Results of the lesson I know how to write school rules At home I`ll a) practice the meanings of the verbs, b)Practice the grammar peculiarities.