Diversity of Children in Foster Care Lisa Martinez Patrick Long Juanita Arellano Linda Smith-Dishmon
What is foster care? Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for abused, neglected, and dependent children who need a safe place to live when their parents or another relative cannot take care of them.
Children in foster care: 640,000 in foster care (2012) approximately 399,546 in out of home care daily (2012) Approximately 51,000 children are placed for adoption each year. More than 75% suffered NEGLECT More than 15% suffered PHYSICAL ABUSE Fewer than 10% suffered SEXUAL ABUSE
How do children end up in foster care? 58.7 % of all reports of alleged child abuse or neglect were made by professionals. 16.7 law enforcement 16.6 education personnel 11.1 social services 8.5 medical personnel The remaining reports were made by non professionals and other unclassified reporters including friends, neighbors, sports coaches, and relatives
Facts About Foster Care Average time in foster care 2 years Average age 9-years-old 25% of all children entering the foster cares system are infants. More than 58,000 children living in foster care have had their biological parental rights permanently terminated. the average foster child is moved from one home to another at least once with ¼ experiencing 3 or 4 moves children of color especially black are more likely to have longer placements in foster care Other things to consider…..
Types of Placements 47%nonrelative foster family homes 28%relative foster family homes 6%trial home visits 4%preadoptive homes 1%runaway 1%supervised independent living
Compared to General Population Race/EthnicityOut-of-home care populationGeneral population Black (non-Hispanic)32%15% White (non-Hispanic)41%61% Hispanic18%17% American Indian/Alaska Native (non- Hispanic) 2%1% Asian/Pacific Islander (non-Hispanic)1%3% Unknown2%n/a 2 or more Races (non-Hispanic)3%4%
Implications for children Nearly half of all children in foster care have chronic medical problems. Asthma Compulsive Water Drinking Developmental delay Encopresis Enuresis Constipation Excessive Appetite No Appetite HIV, STDs Inadequate Immunizations Obesity Eating Disorders Hx of Seizures Poor dental hygiene Untreated chronic illnesses Sleeping Disorders Persistent headaches Possible medical problems:
Implications for children Nearly half of all children in foster care have chronic medical problems. About half of the children in child care under 5-years- old have developmental delay. Developmental Issues for Young Children in Foster Care Gross motor skills Fine motor skills Cognition Speech and language function Self-help abilities Emotional well-being Coping skills Relationship to persons Adequacy of caregiver's parenting skills Behaviors
Implications for children Nearly half of all children in foster care have chronic medical problems. About half of the children in child care under 5-years- old have developmental delay. Up to 80% of all children in foster care have serious emotional problems. Many children experience: Self- blame Feeling unwanted Attachment issues Helplessness Loyalty Uncertainty of future
Psychological Effects on Children Trauma- PTSD Depression, Anxiety Self-esteem Relationship Issues Oppositional Defiance
WARNING SIGNS The National Conference of State Legislatures reported that foster children had "high rates of grade retention; lower scores on standardized tests; and higher absenteeism, tardiness, truancy and dropout rates" when compared to the general population.
Implications for LSSP’s and educators Stability Awareness of challenges Barriers Aging out Resources/Regulations The Fostering Connections Act 2008
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (P.L. 110–351) Educational Stability School Enrollment Travel Costs Foster Care Extended Transition Planning
References Botash, A. (2014). Foster Care: Health Concerns of Children in Foster Care.. Children’s Rights. (2014). Child Welfare Reform and Advocacy. < child-welfare-reform-and-advocacy/. Childrens Bureau (2014). Child Maltreatment 2012: summary of key findings.. Craft, C. (2014). What are the top reasons children enter the foster care system?.