Technical assistance - work with you to: Build & strengthen partnerships Define goals, strategies, action plans Engage the community Identify funding & resources National Park Service Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance
We can help you: Create & improve parks, trails & greenways Conserve rivers Preserve natural & recreational areas Build capacity of partners to sustain their efforts National Park Service Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance
Bronx River Seneca Falls, Lock CS-2 Troy Collar City “Pre-Ramble” Kingston Rail Trails
Groundwork USA - Changing Places and Lives Environmental nonprofit: Focus is local Broad programmatic scope Partner at all levels Non-political facilitator Engage youth Community involvement On-the-ground action
Groundwork USA - Measurable Results Informed by best practices Tailored for each unique community Last Green Valley Video Project interviews local fisherman Floating litter trap, Washington, DC Floating urban farm, Yonkers, NY Restore trashed rivers Vacant sites into parks, trails & gardens Farmers’ markets & community gardens
Groundwork USA - National with Local Roots
Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Applications due August 1 More information: Karl Beard: ph: x2034 Groundwork USA New round expected in 2016 Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Getting our help