November 2004, Washington D.C. Daniel Arroyo Secretary of Social Policies and Human Development Social Development National Ministry Argentine Republic
Fuente: SIEMPRO, elaboración propia en base a EPH - INDEC Evolution of the poor and indigent population In population percentage Total urban agglomerates and Gran Buenos Aires October 1974 – October 2002 En porcentajes 57,7 54,3 24,7 27,7 Source: SIEMPRO, own elaboration on the basis of the EPH - INDEC 19,1 14,9 17,7 17,8 16,8 19,0 28,7 29,5 30,1 30,6 32,8 6,3 7,5 6,4 6,9 6,7 7,7 7,6 9,3 7,9 8,5 8,3 9,6 4,7 27,9 21,5 8,3 33,7 32,3 12,7 20,6 35,4 47,3 24,8 26,0 25,9 26,7 28,9 31,9 38,5 3,0 3,5 1,8 3,5 3,6 5,4 16,5 10,7 6,2 5,0 2,1 6,6 3,2 4,4 12,2 13,8 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70, GBA PovertyAgglomerates’ Total Poverty GBA IndigentsAgglomerates’ total Indigents
Source: SIEMPRO, own elaboration on the basis of the EPH - INDEC Evolution of the poor and indigent population In population percentages Total urban agglomerates and Gran Buenos Aires October 1974 – 1 er semester 2004 In percentages 44,3 42,7 15,2 17,0 54,7 51,7 25,5 26,3
Source: SIEMPRO, own elaboration on the basis of theEPH, INDEC. Unemployment and subemployment Rates In % Total urban agglomerates 1er quarter do quarter ,2 14,8 17,8 17,8 20,4 16,3 14,5 14,4 17,7 16,6 16,3 15,7 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0 22,0 1er quarter 032do quarter 033er quarter 034to quarter 031er quarter 042do quarter 04 Unemployment RateSubemployment Rate
Institucionality of the Social Policy in Argentina In the ´90, there have been created more than 70 programs to fight the poverty, depending on 7 different national ministries. In the ´90, there have been created more than 70 programs to fight the poverty, depending on 7 different national ministries.Consequences Intercrossing and inefficiency of the programs. Institutional fragmentation and low management capacity. Low impact on the fight against poverty.
Intents of constituting a Social Authority Social Federal Cabinet(1993) Social Federal Cabinet(1993) Social Cabinet 1997 within the National Coordination Unit of Social Policies and Planes, Social Expense Evaluation Commission (1999) Social Cabinet 1997 within the National Coordination Unit of Social Policies and Planes, Social Expense Evaluation Commission (1999) Social Development and Environment Ministry 1999 (Ministry Range) (1999) Social Development and Environment Ministry 1999 (Ministry Range) (1999) Social Development Federal Council (1999) Social Development Federal Council (1999) Social Policy Coordination Council (2002) Social Policy Coordination Council (2002)
Food Security MAIN AXES Local Development and Social Economy Human Development and Family “THE MOST URGENT EL HUNGER” NATIONAL PLAN “BEAR A HAND!” NATIONAL PLAN “FAMILIES” NATIONAL PLAN Social Policies Federal Network ( )
National Plan of Food Emergency “The most urgent Hunger” Objective To make possible the access to an adequate and enough feeding to the vulnerable population, according to the particularities and customs of each region of the country Lending Assistance to scholar and communitarian soup-kitchens Delivery of feeding modules and fortified milk Tickets (exchange system in attached commerce) Training on feeding production (familiar and communitarian kitchen gardens, and brood of animals) Education in familiar nourishment Components Feeding Assistance to families in risk Direct Feeding Assistance in special cases Assistance to scholar, infantile and communitarian soup-kitchens Assistance to familiar, scholar and communitarian kitchen gardens Assistance to familiar and communitarian Farms Assistance to pregnant women and to the healthy Child Technical Assistance and Training Equipment to Effectors Monitoring and y Evaluation
Results obtained from the Administration “The most urgent hunger” Plan Total of People Assisted per month People who receives direct food assistance People who attend FOPAR’s soup-kitchens People assisted in soup-kitchens: scholar food services (ME) reinforcement People assisted by the Maternal-Infantile Program People assisted in familiar, scholar and communitarian kitchen-gardens and farms
Local Development and Social Economy National Plan : “Bear a hand” To contribute to the improvement of income of the population in social vulnerability situation in the whole country. To promote the social or solidarity economy sector, by means of the technical and financial support to productive enterprises of social inclusion, generated in the frame of local development processes. To strengthen public and private organizations, as well as associative spaces and networks to improve the local development processes and to increase the social capital in the local level, and to generate greater capacities and options to the people, promoting the decentralization with the local actors’ participation. Objetives
Economical-Financial Support Destined to personal, familiar, associative, communitarian or commercial productive enterprises, in a direct form or through financial units Institutional Strengthening By means of training and technical assistance activities, destined to local agreement, Local and Provincial Advisors Councils, governmental organizations Technical Assistance and Training To the formulation and execution of productive projects, promoting the sustainability of the enterprises. Local Development and Social Economy National Plan : “Bear a hand”
Local Development and Social Economy National Plan : “Bear a hand” Young People Inclusion Program To improve the income of the families with young people from 18 to 25 years old, by means of their participation in socio-productive activities. To develop the productive capacities of the young people and to favor the creation of productive enterprises, promoting the learning of crafts and the formation of associative young groups to the production and commercialization of goods and services To strengthen the institutional spaces of the provincial and municipal governments, and of the civil society, which aim their actions to improve the life quality of the young population. Objectives
Local Development and Social Economy National Plan : “Bear a hand” National Register of Effectors of Local Development and Social Economy Objectives To facilitate the formality of the economic activities, which are outside the formal economy, by the creation of the tributary figure of the Effector of Local Development and Social Economy.To facilitate the formality of the economic activities, which are outside the formal economy, by the creation of the tributary figure of the Effector of Local Development and Social Economy. Benefices Incorporation to the Social Monotribute Regime with two years free.Incorporation to the Social Monotribute Regime with two years free. Invoicing System to favor the commercialization opportunities with the private sector and public organisms.Invoicing System to favor the commercialization opportunities with the private sector and public organisms. Access to a medical coverage, with the same lendings that receives the other affiliated monotributists, in whichever Unions’ Social AssistanceAccess to a medical coverage, with the same lendings that receives the other affiliated monotributists, in whichever Unions’ Social Assistance Belonging to the pension system during the period in which stay in the Effectors’ Register.Belonging to the pension system during the period in which stay in the Effectors’ Register.
Results obtained in the Administration “Bear a hand Plan” Massiveness: producer units financed producer units financed 160 credit and micro-credit banks 160 credit and micro-credit banks small producers benefited small producers benefited 10% of the strategic productive projects 10% of the strategic productive projects Territorial Impact: 600 municipalities performing local development plans 600 municipalities performing local development plans Private sector participation in the definition of the municipal agendas of local development Sustainability 45% of the programs pre- existent to the Plan 45% of the programs pre- existent to the Plan 300 workshops with a total amount of NGOs’ members and advisors councils. 300 workshops with a total amount of NGOs’ members and advisors councils. Strengthening of the Civil Society and the institutional spaces of agreement
Families National Plan Objectives To give economical support to the families with children in social vulnerability condition. To give economical support to the families with children in social vulnerability condition. To assure the scholar attendance and the health care of the children of the family. To assure the scholar attendance and the health care of the children of the family. Benefices: Granting of an income up to $ 200 (U$S 67) to 750,000 householder heads, according to the number of children. Granting of an income up to $ 200 (U$S 67) to 750,000 householder heads, according to the number of children. Incorporation of a tutor ( 1 every 50 people) Incorporation of a tutor ( 1 every 50 people) National State and Provinces Monitoring. National State and Provinces Monitoring. Payment Card Benefice collection by cash dispensers. Benefice collection by cash dispensers. Use of the card as a purchasing card (automatic debit) Use of the card as a purchasing card (automatic debit) Restitution of the consumption tax (15%) of every purchase made by the card (automatic debit) Restitution of the consumption tax (15%) of every purchase made by the card (automatic debit)