The Four Seasons Miss. Stalheim Kindergarten Science Next
Main Menu Click on the season to learn more about it and what the weather is like. Spring Summer Fall Winter Weather in Spring Weather in Summer Weather in Fall Weather in Winter Click here for a review question.
Spring Spring is the first of the four seasons. The trees start to get their leaves and the flowers start to bloom. Many birds come out and sing their songs in the early mornings. Next
What is the weather like in the Spring? It can be rainy, chilly and sometimes it can also be cloudy. Back to Menu
Summer Summer is our second season. Children have off from school. Many people go on vacation during this season. Next
What is the weather like in the Summer? It can be sunny and hot! You also don’t need to wear a jacket. Back to Menu
Fall The leaves start to change colors and fall off. School starts again around this time of year. If you look around you may start to see many apples and pumpkins. Next
What is the weather like in the Fall? The weather starts to cool down. Back to Menu
Winter Winter is our final season. The trees are bare and all the flowers are gone. Many of the animals go into hibernation for this season until warm weather comes again. Next
What is the weather like in the Winter? It is very cold and you start to see lots of snow and ice. Back to Menu
Review Question What season do the animals go into hibernation? a.SummerSummer b.WinterWinter c.SpringSpring d.FallFall
Oops! Try again! Sorry, but Summer is the wrong answer! It is too hot for the animals to go into hibernation. Many of the animals are off eating their food before they start getting ready to hibernate. There are still many animals that are out and playing in nature. Back to Question
Hooray! You have chosen the correct answer! Winter is when animals go into hibernation. Usually animals go into hibernation for 180 days before they wake up again. Some animals that hibernate include bears, bats, skunks, bees, snakes and groundhogs. Next
Oops! Try again! Sorry, but Spring is not the correct answer! Spring is when a lot of the animals are starting to wake up from hibernation. Although there are still some animals who are asleep, they did not start there hibernation in the Spring. Back to Question
Oops! Try again! Sorry, but Fall is not the correct answer! Animals are still running around and having fun during the fall time. They need to start getting ready for hibernation by eating lots of food and making sure they will be safe in their environment. Back to Question
Congratulations! You have finished. Click on the home button to go back to the beginning so others can learn about the four seasons as well. Back to Beginning