THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION The relevance of Adapting to Climate Change: the country’s status quo in implementing the NCCRP Ms Faith Nkohla Gauteng Climate Change Forum meeting: Parktonian Hotel 12 February 2016
National Climate Change Response Policy VISION Transition to a lower carbon and climate resilient society OBJECTIVE Make a fair contribution to the global effort to stabilize GHG concentrations…….. STRATEGIC APPROACH Developmental Transformational and participatory Needs driven and customised Dynamic and evidence based Informed decision-making OBJECTIVE Manage CC impacts through interventions that build & sustain SA’s social, economic & environmental resilience and emergency response capacity National Climate Change Response Policy(NCCRP)
Policy mandates NCCRP for Province and LG Each province will develop a climate response strategy, which evaluates provincial climate risks and impacts and seeks to give effect to the National Climate Change Response Policy at provincial level. Local government plays a crucial role in building climate resilience through planning human settlements and urban development; the provision of municipal infrastructure and services; water and energy demand management; and local disaster response, amongst others. Climate change considerations and constraints will be integrated into municipal development planning tools such as Integrated Development Plans, and municipal service delivery programmes.
Long Term Adaptation Scenarios Products Climate trends & Scenarios Health Agriculture & Forestry Biodiversity and Conservation Water Marine Fisheries Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Food Security Human Settlements Climate Information: Early Warning System SADC Economics of Adaptation
National Adaptation Strategy The strategy is aimed at ensuring that adaptation measures are integrated in all government planning, budgeting and development objectives. Objectives of the NAS Build climate resilience and adaptive capacity to respond to climate change risk and vulnerability; Provide strategic leadership and guidance on the integration of climate change adaptation responses into current and future development objectives for the country; and Optimise policy and planning coherence to ensure balanced outcomes and improve current planning for climate change adaptation.
The aim of the NFCS is to enhance provision of climate information at all levels, for decision making Mapping the climate services landscape Literature review and desktop research Roadmap Face-to-face interviews Database development, detailing: Role players; Overall climate-related service offerings/ applications; Activities underway/ planned; Gaps (where applicable); Indicative collaborating framework, mechanisms and structure(s); and Current/ available interface mechanisms. Gap analysis Identify and analyse gaps in South Africa’s climate services landscape, based on: GFCS requirements for establishing a NFCS; and Information from Roadmap presentations, stakeholder interviews and desktop research Phase 3 p Implementation Plan of NFCS-SA Identified the following gaps: Data quality and availability. Lack of data available at a micro-level. Potential use of remote sensing to supplement existing weather data sources. Limited understanding around the range of climate services and products available. Lack of human capacity to engage and understand climate services completely. Funding availability; Science policy interface – Phase 1: Roadmap for Climate Services National Framework for Climate Services Phase 4: NFCS-SA
CCA Programmes and interventions 1. Sector Adaptation Plans/Strategies Sectoral Integrated programme of Action and Implementation (Capacity building, awareness, research & development, support, stakeholder engagements) 2. Provincial Climate Risks and Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability assessment and climate risks analysis, Development of Provincial Climate Change Response Strategy (PCCRS) Process must have an integrated and co-ordinated approach. Must have identified the urgent priority actions and strategies needed for people and the environment to adapt to these changes. Finalising work with Limpopo, North West and Mpumalanga Province. Commissioned work for Free State and Northern Cape Province.
CCA Programmes and interventions 3. Climate Change Local Government Support programme Status quo of municipal climate change response planning and implementation and revise the list of priority municipalities Conducting awareness raising workshops (training) on Climate Change Management holistically (Mitigation, Adaptation, Air Quality and M & E). Appointed services provider to work closely work local government 4. Cities Resilience Programme Climate change, resilience, urban densification, infrastructure, behavioural change, planning and developmental management; To enhance the implementation of the Durban Adaptation Charter (DAC) Information, monitoring and assessment tools to evaluate the resilience of our cities and towns and assist urban planners in identifying priorities for scaling-up climate change responses.
THE NATIONAL CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE POLICY “Climate Change is everybody’s business” For further information visit THANK YOU