Adaptation to Climate Change and the European standardization Madrid, 18 January 2016 Andrea NAM Programme Manager, CEN-CENELEC © CEN-CENELEC
About Climate Change The climate is already changing and we know it’s due to human activity (IPCC report findings). The current global average temperature is 0.85ºC higher than it was in the late 19th century. In recent decades, changes in climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems on all continents and across the oceans. If we carry on without addressing it sufficiently, we risk increasingly severe and irreversible impacts: – rising seas, – increasingly severe droughts and floods, – food and water shortages, – extreme events, – increased immigration from climate refugees, etc. © CEN-CENELEC
About Climate Change Climate change will amplify existing risks and create new risks for natural and human systems. The EU has a stated objective of limiting global climate change to a 2ºC increase above preindustrial levels – UNCCC Paris agreement of 11 December commits parties to “pursue efforts” to limit warming to 1.5ºC. Even if anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are are stabilized relatively soon, many associated impacts of climate change will continue for centuries (IPCC). © CEN-CENELEC
What can be done? Adaptation and mitigation are complementary strategies for reducing and managing the risks of climate change. Mitigation - dealing with the causes of climate change by reducing emissions. Refers to efforts to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases to reduce climate risks in the 21st century and beyond. Mitigation can mean using new technologies and renewable energies, making older equipment more energy efficient, or changing management practices or consumer behavior Adaptation - dealing with the impacts of climate change. Means anticipating the adverse effects of climate change and taking appropriate action to prevent or minimise the damage they can cause or taking advantage of opportunities that may arise. Examples include using scarce water resources more efficiently, adapting buildings to future climate and extreme weather events, building flood defences © CEN-CENELEC
The EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change One of the main Priorities Climate-proofing - promoting adaptation in key vulnerable sectors Objectives: Address infrastructure projects which are characterised by a long life span and high costs. These need to withstand the current and future impacts of climate change. Actions (related to standardization): Mandate (M/515) for amending existing Eurocodes and extending the scope of structural Eurocodes – requests also the assessment of the climate change implications for Eurocodes (to analyse to what extent standards, technical specifications, codes and safety provisions for physical infrastructure should be strengthened to cope with extreme events and other climate impacts). Eurocodes are dealing with the standardization of structural design rules for building and civil engineering works Action 7: Ensuring more resilient infrastructure – Mandate - to map industry-relevant standards in the area of energy, transport and buildings, identifying standards to be revised for better inclusion of adaptation considerations. © CEN-CENELEC
The Climate Standardization request (Mandate) COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION C(2014) 3451 final ‘Standardisation request to the European standardisation organisations in support of implementation of the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change’ Issued on 28 May 2014 © CEN-CENELEC
The Climate Mandate Objective To contribute to building and maintaining a more climate resilient infrastructure throughout the EU in the key sectors Scope consider the existing European standards and European standardisation deliverables, including those under development; all types of standards covering products, systems, services, testing and measurements, processes etc. excluding the Eurocodes – separate mandate © CEN-CENELEC
The specific tasks listed in the Climate Mandate Three priority sectors transport infrastructure, energy infrastructure and buildings/construction. Need to consider the ICT infrastructures that are closely interconnected Three phases Programming phase (Phase 1) Development of standards (Phase 2) Guidance development phase (Phase G) © CEN-CENELEC
The specific tasks listed in the Climate Mandate Programming phase (Phase 1) mapping exercise – identifying the relevant standards prioritisation criteria – method to be used to identify the priority standards establish the list of priority standards (20/sector) - to be revised and/or adopted first including the responsible TCs, timetable Development of standards (Phase 2) revising or adapting the priority standards revised priority standards shall represent best practice examples Guidance development phase (Phase G) guidance document for assisting standardisation processes with regard to ensuring resilience to climate change – your tool © CEN-CENELEC
Preparation for the delivery of the Climate Mandate Important Avoid overlaps with other mandates and among the sectors Work closely together in the identification of the needs © CEN-CENELEC
Preparation for the delivery of the Climate Mandate Coordination Group on Adaptation to Climate Change (ACC-CG) set up to co-ordinate the mandated work three climate change adaptation experts providing direct support Website: fault.aspx fault.aspx Workshops Objective: to inform and to involve Climate adaptation needs in the Construction sector - 15 December 2015 in Delft at NEN premises Climate adaptation needs in the Transport sector- 18 January 2016 in Madrid at AENOR premises Climate adaptation needs in the Energy Sector- 27 January 2016 in Berlin at DIN premises The associated ICT will also be looked at for all sectors. © CEN-CENELEC
Development of the standardization work programme © CEN-CENELEC The results from the workshops are essential input for the development of the standardization work programme It is time to adapt, we need you to work with us!
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