Full Adder Verilog(HO: wires/regs, always) Section 4.5 (Full adder)
Schedule 62/3MondayBinary addition: full adder 72/5Wednesday Binary addition: four-bit adder/subtractor L2/6ThursdayLab canceled 82/10MondayClass canceled 92/12WednesdayBinary multiplication
Outline Observations Wire Versus reg Using – Blocking statement – Non-Blocking Statement Full Adder
Observations V IL,V IH, V OH, V OL Power Supply of a Chip Orientation of a chip Outputs of the test bench Context of a variable
Power Supply of a Chip
Orientation of a Chip
Context of a Module Variable
Module Template module module_name (,, ) endmodule Input, output wires reg Program Body
Wires (1): Connect Gates w1 connects the output of G1 to an input of G3.
Wires (2): Connect input/output ports to elements within a module IMPORTANT: wire is the only legal type on the left hand side of = in an assign statement. s and c are both wires in this example.
Error Message error!correct!
Wires (3): Not on the LHS of = or <= t_clock is a reg. This is OK.
Error Message
module half_adder_tb (X,Y); //output, wires, regs output X,Y; wire X,Y; wire S,C; reg t_X[10000:0]; reg t_Y[10000:0]; reg t_clock; reg [31:0] vectornum; integer fp; …. t_clock) begin X<=t_X[vectornum]; Y<=t_Y[vectornum]; vectornum<=vectornum+1; end ….. endmodule
More Examples on the of the wire
reg All outputs generated by the always block must be declared to be of type reg. reg is used to suggest that the values behaves like a variable that might be stored in a register.
A,B, C are connected to the input ports of fig3p37 module.
module....endmodule module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule Always start the verilog program with the keyword pair module…endmodule The keyword module must always be terminated by the keyword endmodule.
module half_adder_tb (X,Y); //output, wires, regs output X,Y; reg X,Y; wire S,C; reg t_X[10000:0]; reg t_Y[10000:0]; reg t_clock; reg [31:0] vectornum; integer fp; …. t_clock) begin X<=t_X[vectornum]; Y<=t_Y[vectornum]; vectornum<=vectornum+1; end ….. endmodule
Legal Uses of reg
wire and reg are sometimes Interchangable
always statement The sensitivity list contains a list of all signals that will affect the outputs generated by the always block.
* in the sensitivity list will automatically include all signals on the right side of your statements can be used when you want your elements to change their values as one or more of its inputs change. can be used with either non-blocking statement (if you want to execute statements in parallel) or blocking statement (if you want to execute statements sequentially) module half_adder_tb (X,Y); //output, wires, regs output X,Y; reg X,Y; wire S,C; reg t_X[10000:0]; reg t_Y[10000:0]; reg t_clock; reg [31:0] vectornum; integer fp; …. t_clock) begin X<=t_X[vectornum]; Y<=t_Y[vectornum]; vectornum<=vectornum+1; end ….. endmodule
Why using (Desirable) (incorrect!)
Blocking (=)Statements “when the sensitivity list is satisfied, B gets A, C gets B, and D gets C.” But, by the time C gets B, B has been set to A. Likewise, by the time D gets C, C has been set to B, which, as we stated above, has been set to A. Important: Statements with = executes sequentially.
(<=) Non-Blocking Statements Important: B gets A’s value, C gets B’s old value, and D gets C’s old value
Truth Table for a Full Adder carry-in
Karnaugh Map For the Sum Bit (ES112 Review)
Karnaugh Map For the Carry-Out Bit (ES112 Review)
Implementation of a Full Adder (carry-in)